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IRIS 2024-4:1/20 [CY] Designation of Digital Service Coordinator in the Republic of Cyprus
IRIS 2024-3:1/19 [CY] Draft Bill on the Regulations of Video Sharing Platform Services established in the Republic of Cyprus
IRIS 2023-9:1/13 [CY] Radio and Television Amending Law allows one legal or natural person to own 100% of a licensee's capital share
IRIS 2023-6:1/23 Belgian, German, French, British and Cypriot media regulators form international working group on age verification
IRIS 2022-3:1/19 [CY] Supreme Court: The right to be heard cannot be limited to written submission of positions
IRIS 2022-3:1/21 [CY] Provisions of the AVMS Directive 2018/1808/EU transposed into national Law
IRIS 2021-10:1/18 [CY] A legal proposal for abolishing media ownership restrictions
IRIS 2021-9:1/17 [CY] Extension of Temporary Television Licences for one Year to June 2022
IRIS 2021-9:1/18 [CY] The law of the Public Service Media to incorporate provisions of the Directive 2018/1808/EU
IRIS 2021-9:1/19 [CY] A draft law for the transposition of the AVMS Directive 2018/1808/EU into national Law
IRIS 2019-8:1/12 [CY] Extension of Television Temporary Licences for one Year to June 2020
IRIS 2019-8:1/11 [CY] Amendments for harmonising the Law on Public Service Media and the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation
IRIS 2019-8:1/10 [CY] Amendments for harmonising the Law on Radio and Television Organisations with the AVMS Directive
IRIS 2018-9:1/9 [CY] Advertising ban on public service media provider CyBC
IRIS 2018-8:1/12 [CY] Extension of temporary television licences for one year to June 2019
IRIS 2017-10:1/11 [CY] Broadcaster sanctioned for insults/profanities heard during live broadcast
IRIS 2017-10:1/10 [CY] Amendments to Public Broadcaster Law in breach of the Constitution of Cyprus
IRIS 2017-10:1/9 [CY] Media Law amendments in breach of the European Treaty and the Constitution of Cyprus
IRIS 2017-8:1/11 [CY] Television temporary licences extended for one year to June 2018
IRIS 2017-6:1/9 [CY] Supreme Court rejects request to refer media law case to the CJEU
IRIS 2016-8:1/8 [CY] Appointment of a new Board of the Radio Television Authority
IRIS 2016-8:1/7 [CY] TV organisations to continue operation with temporary licences for one more year
IRIS 2016-2:1/7 [CY] New rules for the protection of minors
IRIS 2015-9:1/7 [CY] Validity of temporary TV licences extended for one more year
IRIS 2014-9:1/4 Court of Justice of the European Union: Papasavvas v O Fileleftheros
IRIS 2014-4:1/7 [CY] The Appointment of the Regulator’s Members Comes into Force with a Letter of Notification
IRIS 2014-3:1/10 [CY] Recourse for Equal Treatment of Presidential Candidate Dismissed
IRIS 2013-10:1/13 [CY] Extensive Amendments Proposed for Act on Radio Television Organisations
IRIS 2013-10:1/12 [CY] Amendments Proposed for Law on Public Service Broadcaster
IRIS 2013-9:1/7 [CY] Law Proposal for Banning Exit Polls and their Media Coverage
IRIS 2013-9:1/6 [CY] Law Proposal to Ban Advertising on Public Broadcasting Service
IRIS 2013-8:1/13 [CY] Digital Network Operator’s Financial Straits Threaten Private Broadcasters
IRIS 2013-8:1/12 [CY] Temporary Licences to AVMS Providers to Be Extended by up to One Year
IRIS 2011-9:1/10 [CY] Sports Television Rights - From Monopoly to Fragmentation
IRIS 2011-8:1/18 [CY] Switch-over to Digital Television
IRIS 2011-8:1/9 European Commission: Letters of Formal Notice on the Implementation of the Telecoms Package
IRIS 2011-8:1/3 European Court of Human Rights: Sigma Radio Television Ltd. v. Cyprus
IRIS 2011-7:1/16 [CY] Digital Switch-over Regulated with Amending Radio and Television Law
IRIS 2011-5:1/11 [CY] Radio Television Law to turn to AVMS and digital environment
IRIS 2011-4:1/15 [CY] New Developments in the Field of Digital Television