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IRIS 2024-9:1/18 [NO] Norwegian Media Authority: Visualising main findings from the Code of Practice on Disinformation
IRIS 2021-2:1/37 [NO] More independence and predictability in media support cases
IRIS 2020-8:1/2 [NO] Media Liability Act enters into force
IRIS 2020-7:1/21 [NO] Norwegian Media Authority is given competence to take action against advertising for gambling without a licence in Norway
IRIS 2019-5:1/2 European Court of Human Rights: Høiness v. Norway
IRIS 2017-10:1/30 [NO] Tender on commercial public service broadcasting
IRIS 2017-10:1/3 European Court of Human Rights: Becker v. Norway
IRIS 2017-7:1/27 [NO] Norwegian Media Authority publishes survey on fake news
IRIS 2015-2:1/28 [NO] Norway Adopts Platform-Independent Law on Protection of Minors
IRIS 2014-3:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Lillo-Stenberg and Sæther v. Norway
IRIS 2013-4:1/25 [NO] Broadcasting Act Harmonised with the AVMS Directive
IRIS 2013-1:1/31 [NO] The First Ex Ante Test Completed
IRIS 2012-7:1/5 Position of the Nordic Consumer Ombudsmen on Marketing in Social Media
IRIS 2012-1:1/35 [NO] Consumer Ombudsman Renews Call for Ban on Advertising in Cinema Screenings to Children
IRIS 2012-1:1/34 [NO] Mandatory Subtitling of Films for the Benefit of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
IRIS 2011-8:1/38 [NO] Government Wants to Adopt Regulation on Listed Events
IRIS 2011-7:1/34 [NO] Authorities Ponder Affirmative Action to Strengthen Gender Equality in Feature Film Production
IRIS 2011-1:1/43 [NO] Media Authority Gets More Independence
IRIS 2010-10:1/36 [NO] Public Consultation on the Evaluation of NRK’s Existing Public Services
IRIS 2010-8:1/39 [NO] ISP Ordered to Reveal Identity of Copyright Infringer
IRIS 2010-4:1/35 [NO] New Norwegian Regulations on Audiovisual Support
IRIS 2010-4:1/34 [NO] Telenor not Obliged to Block Access to The Pirate Bay
IRIS 2010-1:1/50 [NO] Public Value Test Required for New Services in NRK
IRIS 2010-1:1/33 [NO] Unsuccessful Attempt to Block the Pirate Bay
IRIS 2009-9:1/25 [NO] Cinemas Go Digital with Levy Funds
IRIS 2009-9:1/24 [NO] Co-Production Convention Signed
IRIS 2009-6:1/2 European Court of Human Rights: Case of A. v. Norway
IRIS 2009-5:1/34 Nordic Council of Ministers: Agreement with Nordic Film & TV Fund signed
IRIS 2009-5:1/30 [NO] Government Responds to Strasbourg Ruling on Political Advertising on TV
IRIS 2009-5:1/4 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance: Media Provisions in New Country Reports on Racism
IRIS 2009-3:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Case of TV Vest SA and Rogaland Pensjonistparti v Norway
IRIS 2008-9:1/29 [NO] Battle on the Access for a Second Pay-TV Operator in the Digital Television Network
IRIS 2008-6:1/21 [NO] Non-Commercial Public Access TV Licensed in the DTT Network
IRIS 2007-8:1/38 Committee of Ministers: Media-specific Provisions in New Resolutions on Minorities
IRIS 2007-8:1/37 Committee of Ministers: Media Recommendations in Monitoring of Languages Charter
IRIS 2007-6:1/27 [NO] Norwegian Culture Act: One Step Closer
IRIS 2007-6:1/26 [NO] Proposed Act on Editorial Independence
IRIS 2007-6:1/25 [NO] Proposed Basic Principles for Public Broadcaster
IRIS 2007-5:1/34 European Court of Human Rights: Case of Tønsberg Blad AS and Marit Haukom v. Norway
IRIS 2007-2:1/30 [NO] The Norwegian Consumer Purchase Act and Digital Online Services