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IRIS 2005-3:1/33 [RO] Copyright Protection Improved
IRIS 2005-2:1/4 European Court of Human Rights: Final Judgment in Case Cumpana and Mazare v. Romania
IRIS 2005-1:1/35 [RO] Studies and Research in the Audiovisual Field
IRIS 2005-1:1/34 [RO] Act on Election Reporting in the Electronic Media
IRIS 2005-1:1/7 European Commission: Report on the Conditions for Romania's Accession
IRIS 2004-10:1/83 [IT-RO] Films Co-Production Agreement between Italy and Romania
IRIS 2004-10:1/68 [FR-RO] Films Co-Production Agreement between France and Romania
IRIS 2004-10:1/34 [RO] New Rules Governing Personality Rights
IRIS 2004-9:1/33 [RO] New Advertising, Sponsorship and Teleshopping Rules
IRIS 2004-8:1/24 [RO] Regulations for the Protection of Minors Amended Again
IRIS 2004-7:1/27 [RO] Public Information and Pluralism
IRIS 2004-6:1/30 [RO] Controversy over the "Big Brother" Show
IRIS 2004-3:1/33 [RO] Controversy over Election Advertising Rules
IRIS 2004-3:1/32 [RO] Public Information Guidelines Supplemented
IRIS 2004-2:1/36 [RO] Legal Action Taken because of Scenes in TV Magazine Programmes Liable to Corrupt Minors
IRIS 2004-2:1/35 [RO] Aid for Film Makers in Romania
IRIS 2003-10:1/33 [RO] Guidelines on Correct Public Information
IRIS 2003-8:1/25 [RO] Licence Fee Dispute
IRIS 2003-7:1/24 [RO] Conclusions on "Reality Shows"
IRIS 2003-7:1/23 [RO] New Rules for TV Violence Warning Signs
IRIS 2003-5:1/17 [RO] Information Obligation
IRIS 2003-4:1/26 [RO] CNA Sanctions Private Broadcaster
IRIS 2003-4:1/25 [RO] New Advertising Restrictions
IRIS 2003-4:1/24 [RO] New Regulations on Collection of Licence Fees in Romania
IRIS 2003-2:1/28 [RO] New Criminal Code
IRIS 2003-2:1/23 [RO] New Film Act
IRIS 2003-2:1/20 [RO] Important Events List Adopted
IRIS 2003-1:1/34 [GR] SEE Cinema Network
IRIS 2003-1:1/26 [RO] Government Proposes Harsh Penalties for Hackers
IRIS 2002-10:1/23 [RO] CNA Decision on the Right of Reply and Correction
IRIS 2002-10:1/22 [RO] CNA Decision on Advertising of Distilled Alcoholic Drinks
IRIS 2002-10:1/21 [RO] Measures to Protect Human Dignity and Personal Image Rights
IRIS 2002-10:1/20 [RO] CNA Takes New Steps to Protect Minors
IRIS 2002-9:1/21 [RO] CNA Withdraws Broadcasting Licence
IRIS 2002-9:1/20 [RO] TV Ban for Tobacco and Alcohol Advertising
IRIS 2002-9:1/19 [RO] Recommendations to Ensure Plurality of Opinion
IRIS 2002-8:1/31 [RO] Protection of Image Rights in Electronic Media
IRIS 2002-8:1/19 [RO] Occult TV Ban
IRIS 2002-8:1/1 Update on Signatures and Ratifications of Relevant Treaties
IRIS 2002-7:1/30 [RO] Cinema Act Adopted