
[RO] Important Events List Adopted

IRIS 2003-2:1/20

Mariana Stoican

Journalist, Bucharest

At the proposal of the Consiliul Nat ional al Audiovi, zualului (National Audiovisual Council), the Government adopted the Evenimentele de important a majora (list of , events of particular significance) at its session on 16 January. The list includes the George Enescu international music festival, the Olympic Summer and Winter Games, football's European Championships and World Cup and the Romanian football team's qualification matches for those tournaments.

These important events may be broadcast exclusively, provided a majority of TV viewers (at least 70% of the population, based on the results of the most recent census) are able to receive live or delayed broadcasts via a freely-accessible electronic signal. Most of the events are broadcast live. On the basis of agreements between the organisers and broadcasters, certain elements of these events may also be recorded and broadcast in part or in full at a later time.

According to Article 21 of the Legea Audiovizualului (Audiovisual Act no. 504/2002), the list of important events is to be adopted by the Government following a proposal by the National Audiovisual Council and submission to the European Commission. Should any amendments subsequently be necessary, the same procedure is to be followed. Until Romania accedes to the European Union, the list will become valid as soon as the Government's decision is published in the Official Gazette. The decision also stipulates the proportion of the population that should be able to receive the broadcasts and the type of transmission for every event, ie live or delayed broadcast of all or part of the event.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.