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IRIS 2002-3:1/24 [CH] Fighting Cybercrime
IRIS 2002-2:1/25 [CH] Publication of New National Legislation on Cinematographic Culture and Production
IRIS 2002-1:1/35 [CH] Rulings concerning new Forms of Advertising
IRIS 2002-1:1/24 [CH] Universal Service Extended in Telecommunications Sector
IRIS 2002-1:1/13 [CH] No Right to Airtime
IRIS 2001-10:1/34 [CH] Tamedia AG's Takeover of Belcom Group Approved
IRIS 2001-10:1/25 [CH] Information Society Report Published
IRIS 2001-10:1/10 [CH] Satellite Broadcasting of Local Radio Restricted
IRIS 2001-9:1/31 [CH] Pricing Control Authority Orders Cable Fee Reduction
IRIS 2001-9:1/27 [CH] Combating Paedophile Internet Content
IRIS 2001-9:1/13 [CH] Foreign Advertising Window Unwelcome
IRIS 2001-7:1/24 [CH] Draft of a Federal Law on Electronic Signatures
IRIS 2001-7:1/15 [CH] Teleclub not Allowed to Use “d-box” Technology in Switzerland
IRIS 2001-7:1/14 [CH] Amendment to Radio and Television Ordinance
IRIS 2001-6:1/33 [CH] Federal Tribunal Rejects Time Warner's Claims in the Friends Case
IRIS 2001-4:1/10 [CH] Commercial Breaks Need Not Be Europe-Compatible
IRIS 2001-2:1/24 [CH] “Last Mile” Unbundling Decreed
IRIS 2001-1:1/27 [CH] Publication of Federal Council's Communication on the Cinema Bill
IRIS 2001-1:1/12 [CH] New Radio and Television Act under Discussion
IRIS 2000-10:1/16 [CH] Decree on Electronic Certification Services Comes into Force
IRIS 2000-8:1/9 [CH] Adoption of a List of Major Events for Free Broadcasting on Television
IRIS 2000-7:1/22 [CH] Principle of Transparency in the Federal Administration
IRIS 2000-7:1/21 [CH] Hard Porn - the Federal Council Takes a Softer Line
IRIS 2000-6:1/21 [CH] Publication of the Report on Consultation Concerning the New Federal Legislation on the Cinema
IRIS 2000-2:1/6 [CH] Go-Ahead for Revision of the Radio and Television Act
IRIS 2000-1:1/25 [CH] Illegal Sponsorship on the Internet
IRIS 2000-1:1/14 [CH] Billag AG to Continue Collecting Radio and TV Licence Fees
IRIS 2000-1:1/13 [CH] Illegal Commercial Breaks on Private Station TV3
IRIS 2000-1:1/12 [CH] Illegal Alcohol Advertising on SRG
IRIS 2000-1:1/11 [CH] Teleclub Banned from Using Own Set-Top Box in Switzerland
IRIS 1999-9:1/6 Council of Europe: European Convention on Transfrontier Television
IRIS 1999-7:1/6 Council of Europe: Switzerland Signs Protocol to Amend the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
IRIS 1999-6:1/21 [CH] New Film Act Proposed
IRIS 1999-6:1/13 [CH] Inadmissible Traffic Information
IRIS 1999-6:1/12 [CH] Advertising for Alcohol-Free Beer Judged Inadmissible
IRIS 1999-5:1/19 [CH] New Licences for Private TV Broadcasters
IRIS 1999-3:1/32 [CH] Digital Radio and Youth Programme
IRIS 1999-3:1/21 [CH] Time Signal Transmissions May Be Sponsored
IRIS 1999-3:1/2 [CH] Mailbox Operator Convicted of Distributing Pornography
IRIS 1999-1:1/13 [CH] Legitimisation for the Contesting of a Decision by the Independent Appeals Committee for Radio and Television