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IRIS 2020-5:1/20 [DE] German media regulators adopt simpler notification procedure during coronavirus crisis
IRIS 2020-5:1/21 BILD Digital Live TV streaming service approved
IRIS 2020-5:1/22 [DE] Federal Government tables another NetzDG draft amendment
IRIS 2020-5:1/23 [DE] Coronavirus crisis: German film support agencies launch joint aid programme
IRIS 2020-5:1/25 [DE] Recognition granted to first self-regulatory body for illegal social network content analysis
IRIS 2020-5:1/27 [DE] Politician Renate Künast wins another partial success following Facebook insults
IRIS 2020-4:1/15 [DE] German Federal Justice Ministry plans clear rules for influencers
IRIS 2020-4:1/11 [DE] Legislative proposal to introduce compulsory ID checks on social networks and gaming platforms
IRIS 2020-4:1/10 [DE] Bundesländer agree new gambling regulations in Germany
IRIS 2020-4:1/9 [DE] Key points of amended German Film Support Act published
IRIS 2020-4:1/8 [DE] Supreme Court decides on appropriate remuneration for ‘Das Boot’ chief cameraman
IRIS 2020-4:1/2 CJEU: EUIPO must issue new ‘Fack Ju Göthe’ decision
IRIS 2020-3:1/16 First German bill implementing EU copyright reform published
IRIS 2020-3:1/15 Questions submitted to ECJ in ‘StreamOn’ procedure
IRIS 2020-3:1/5 Bill to combat right-wing extremism and hate crime
IRIS 2020-3:1/4 Prominent politician partially successful in dispute over social network insults
IRIS 2020-2:1/22 Netflix series Skylines does not infringe personality rights
IRIS 2020-2:1/23 No copyright protection for famous Loriot film quote
IRIS 2020-2:1/24 Bundesländer adopt Inter-State Media Agreement with new rules for digital platforms
IRIS 2020-2:1/25 KJM approves new Internet age verification method
IRIS 2020-2:1/26 German regulator opens proceedings against Twitter over pornographic content
IRIS 2020-1:1/20 ZAK finds Channel21 guilty of infringing advertising and programming guidelines and Medicinal Product Advertising Act
IRIS 2020-1:1/11 Ad blocker could contravene German cartel law
IRIS 2020-1:1/10 Extreme-right NPD wins dispute over Facebook page classified as ‘harmful to minors’
IRIS 2020-1:1/9 Package of measures to combat right-wing extremism and hate on the Internet
IRIS 2020-1:1/7 Federal Administrative Court rules on youth protection authorities’ discretionary powers
IRIS 2019-10:1/11 [DE] Berlin District Court rules on verbal attacks on Green Party politician
IRIS 2019-10:1/10 [DE] Joyn and Prime Video streaming services classified as platforms subject to broadcasting law
IRIS 2019-10:1/9 [DE] BILD live streams require broadcasting licence
IRIS 2019-10:1/6 Court of Justice of the European Union: Users must actively consent to cookies
IRIS 2019-9:1/13 [DE] Cartel authority approves ProSiebenSat.1 and RTL addressable TV and online video joint venture
IRIS 2019-9:1/12 [DE] OLG Düsseldorf expresses serious doubt over legality of Bundeskartellamt's Facebook decision
IRIS 2019-9:1/11 [DE] Administrative Court suspends KJM decision on 'JusProg' youth protection system in summary proceedings
IRIS 2019-9:1/10 [DE] Supreme Court rules that report on nude photo blackmail can infringe privacy rights
IRIS 2019-9:1/9 [DE] Supreme Court upholds decision against operators of Altermedia Deutschland web platform
IRIS 2019-9:1/4 Court of Justice of the European Union: German rules protecting press publishers overturned following procedural irregularities
IRIS 2019-8:1/15 [DE] Federal Office for Justice fines Facebook
IRIS 2019-8:1/14 [DE] ‘StreamOn’ injunction confirmed
IRIS 2019-8:1/13 [DE] Federal Constitutional Court on the difference between expression of an opinion and defamatory criticism
IRIS 2019-8:1/5 Court of Justice of the European Union: ECJ on use of works in the reporting of current events