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IRIS 1999-9:1/21 [NL]Guidelines on the Access to Cable Television Networks
IRIS 1999-9:1/20 [NL] Events on Open Television Network
IRIS 1999-8:1/19 [NL] Proposal for Concession Act
IRIS 1999-7:1/3 [NL] Liability of Internet Service Providers
IRIS 1999-6:1/22 [NL] Dutch Media Authority Takes Tougher Stance Against Public Channels' Ties with Sponsors
IRIS 1999-5:1/13 [NL] Statement by the Committee on Media Concentrations
IRIS 1999-5:1/7 [NL] Dutch Broadcasting Corporation to be Privatised
IRIS 1999-3:1/15 [NL] Conflict between Cable Network Company and Pay TV Channel about Transmission
IRIS 1999-2:1/6 [NL] Must Video Images of Riots Be Submitted to the Judicial Authorities?
IRIS 1998-9:1/23 [NL] End of Broadcasters' Monopoly on Television Listings
IRIS 1998-9:1/22 [NL] New Advisory Committee on Cross Ownership
IRIS 1998-7:1/8 [NL] media authority decision suspended
IRIS 1998-5:1/18 [NL] Dutch Competition Authority Examines the Creation of one of the Largest Cable Operators in Europe
IRIS 1998-4:1/21 [NL] Guidelines on Side-line Activities of Broadcasters
IRIS 1998-4:1/20 [NL] One National Licence for Public Broadcasting
IRIS 1998-4:1/19 [NL]  Refusal of Broadcasting Organisations to License their Television Listings in Breach of Competition Act
IRIS 1998-2:1/20 [NL] Draft Bill on Computer Criminality
IRIS 1998-2:1/14 [NL] Copyright Protection for Game-concepts
IRIS 1998-1:1/20 [NL] First Implementation of the Revised “Television without Frontiers” Directive by the Media Authority
IRIS 1997-10:1/9 [NL] Dutch Court Recognises “Electronic Rights of Journalists”
IRIS 1997-9:1/18 [NL] Digital Audio Broadcasting
IRIS 1997-9:1/15 [NL] Definition of “Public Broadcasting” in Media Act
IRIS 1997-7:1/28 [NL] New Measures to Stimulate the Film Industry
IRIS 1997-6:1/8 [NL] Supreme Court Defines Rights to Personal Privacy by non-commissioned Portraits
IRIS 1997-5:1/16 [NL] Full Privatisation of NOB
IRIS 1997-5:1/15 [NL] Amendments to Bill Concerning the Auction of Radio Broadcasting Frequencies
IRIS 1997-4:1/38 [NL] Audiovisual Platform publishes Report on the State of the European Cinema
IRIS 1997-4:1/32 [NL] View of the Dutch Government on the protection of youth against harmful consequences of audio-visual media
IRIS 1997-4:1/18 THE NETHERLANDS: No compulsory licence for broadcasters in the public broadcasting system
IRIS 1997-4:1/16 THE NETHERLANDS: Amendment of Law on Neighbouring Rights enters into force
IRIS 1997-3:1/32 [NL] Debate on auction of frequencies cancelled
IRIS 1997-3:1/28 [NL] Ownership limitations on cable television networks
IRIS 1997-3:1/22 [NL] Bill on the reorganisation of the public broadcasting system
IRIS 1997-3:1/20 [NL] Act on Neighbouring Rights allows TV in cafés
IRIS 1997-3:1/13 [NL] Programme formats eligible for copyright protection
IRIS 1997-3:1/12 [NL] Rejection of copyright infringement claims relating to formats
IRIS 1997-3:1/10 [NL] Digital satellite delivery infringes copyright
IRIS 1997-2:1/25 [NL] Proposal for only one public broadcaster after the year 2000
IRIS 1997-2:1/20 [NL] Access to cable update
IRIS 1997-2:1/19 [NL] Guidelines on television and youth