
[NL] One National Licence for Public Broadcasting

IRIS 1998-4:1/20

Nico van Eijk

Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

In a letter to the Dutch Parliament, the Minister of Culture, Mr Aad Nuis, announced that a Bill is being prepared to amend the Media Act in order to replace the existing multiple licence system for the national public broadcasting sector with one single licence to be granted to the NOS (Dutch Broadcasting Foundation).

At present the NOS has responsibilities in particular with regard to the common programming of all the broadcasting organisations operating in the public broadcasting system of The Netherlands, such as news and sports. However, individual broadcasting organisations, each of which represents specific interests within the Dutch society, also hold licences. These licences will expire in the year 2000. Although their role will change, the proposal does not imply that the individual broadcasting organisations will have to disappear. The present Government will not present the Bill to change the Media Act before the upcoming elections (scheduled in May). It is considered as a matter that needs to be dealt with by the new Government.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.