
[NL] TV Commercials Aimed at Children

IRIS 2000-3:1/18

Fiona Vening

Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam

The state secretary for Education, Culture and Science has answered the questions of members of the Lower Chamber of Parliament concerning the proposal for the Concession Act (IRIS 1999-8: 11). In the proposed Act the willingness to introduce restrictive measures concerning commercials that are aimed at children, is limited to the creation of a legal basis for possible further legislation and a prohibition on sponsoring children programs. The government thinks that a complete ban on commercial and public broadcasting organisations from broadcast commercials that are directed to minors, would be too far-reaching. According to the government, selfregulation with regard to the content of commercials aimed at children is sufficient to guarantee the protection of children and their parents. A European interdiction would therefore be out of the question.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.