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IRIS 2005-2:1/13 [DE] Federal Cartels Office Authorises SES Astra's Takeover of Digital Playout Center

On 30 December 2004 the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartels Office) authorised the acquisition by SES Global Europe S.A. (SES Astra) of shares in DPC Digital Playout Center GmbH (DPC) owned by Premiere Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG (Premiere) on condition that SES Astra acquires 100% of the shares. SES Astra had originally planned to purchase 72.5% of the shares in DPC, but now, through a corresponding increase in the overall price, it will own all the shares. According to the Bundeskartellamt, the merger will strengthen SES Astra's dominant position in the national DTH transponder market. Nevertheless,...

IRIS 2005-1:1/20 [DE] FSM Approved / Youth Protection Programmes on Trial

At its meeting on 23 November 2004, the Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz (Commission for Youth Media Protection - KJM) approved the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia-Diensteanbieter e.V. (voluntary self-monitoring body for multimedia service providers - FSM) as a voluntary self-monitoring body in the telemedia field, in the sense of the Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrages (Inter-State Agreement on Youth Media Protection - JMStV). According to Article 19.3 JMStV, voluntary self-monitoring bodies may be approved by the KJM, subject to certain conditions. Members of the FSM now have the opportunity...

IRIS 2005-1:1/19 [DE] Digital in-store Radio Does not Quality as Radio

In its judgment of 13 September 2004, the Oberverwaltungsgericht (Administrative Court of Appeal) of North-Rhine Westfalia found that "in-store radio" does not qualify as radio within the meaning of the Inter-State Broadcasting Agreement and as such is not subject to licensing fees. In handing down this decision, the Court found that a grocery store operator was right to challenge the levying of radio licensing fees for the in-store radio played over loudspeakers in the grocery stores. The respondent in this case was Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR). The in-store radio consists of advertisements, music,...

IRIS 2004-10:1/87 [DE-HR] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany and Croatia

On 23 February 1972, Germany and Yugoslavia signed a Co-Production Agreement, which entered into force on 24 February 1972, replacing the precedent Agreement of 19 July 1957. On 26 October 1992 Germany has agreed with Croatia, as a successor state, to keep on applying the agreement and to maintain it in force. The Agreement applies to full-length films. Multilateral co-productions with producers from third countries being linked to Germany or Croatia by a Co-Production Agreement are possible. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall generally be at least 30% (in the case of multilateral co-productions,...

IRIS 2004-10:1/48 [DE-SE] Films Co-Production Agreement between Germany und Schweden

On 14 June 1977 a Co-Production Agreement has been signed between Germany and Sweden. It entered into force on the same day. The Agreement applies to full-length films made by German and Swedish producers jointly. Third country producers may join the co-production, if their country is linked to Germany or Sweden by a films co-production agreement. Financial contribution of a co-producer shall be at least 30%; in the case of multilateral co-productions, 25% are the minimum. Under certain conditions, the minimum participation can exceptionally be reduced down to 20% For further information contact:...