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IRIS 2003-1:1/34 [GR] SEE Cinema Network

The South Eastern Europe Cinema Network (SEE) was set up in 2000 on the initiative of the Greek Film Centre (a state-owned organisation attached to the Greek Ministry of Culture). It promotes and supports the national film industry of eleven Southeast European states (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Turkey, Cyprus). The aim is to provide support for the development, production and advertising of the member states’ films both within and outside the network. A support fund for co-productions...

IRIS 2002-10:1/34 [BG] Amendments on the Radio and Television Act 2002

After the major amendment to the Radio and Television Act (RTA) in 2001 (see IRIS 2001-6: 4), further minor changes were introduced in 2002. Politicians and media experts had previously been asked to rethink the changes to the formation of the regulatory authority, the clarification of procedures and licensing, equal treatment of providers, the independence of the public service broadcaster's management as well as its effective financing. In 2002, article 8 paragraph 3 was incorporated into the RTA through an amending law (Law gazette N° 77/2002). The Parliament thereby enacted a law taking the...

IRIS 2002-6:1/35 [BG] Media Regulatory Authority Publishes First Activity Report

On 27 May 2002, six months after it was first set up, the Bulgarian Council for Electronic Media (CEM) published its first activity report. The CEM is, in accordance with article 20 paragraph 1 of the Radio and Television Act, an independent authority which is responsible for regulating radio and television, in particular registering and licensing broadcasting companies and ensuring that such companies comply with the provisions of the Radio and Television Act. The first six months of activity were above all characterised by Bulgaria's preparations for entry into the European Union. Bulgarian media...

IRIS 2002-2:1/29 [BG] Amendments to the Law on the Telecommunications Adopted

On 19 December 2001, the Law on Amendments of the Telecommunications Law was adopted. It renames and restructures the main body for the regulation and supervision of telecommunications in Bulgaria. The former supervisory body - the State Committee on Telecommunications (SCT) was a state body attached to the Council of the Ministers. It was composed of 5 members appointed by the Prime Minister in accordance with a governmental resolution for a mandate of 7 years. According to the amended version of Chapter 4 Section 1 of the Law, the main regulatory and supervisory body of the telecommunications...

IRIS 2002-2:1/3 [BG] Act on Radio and Television Amended

The amendments in the Zakon za Radioto I Televizata (Act on Radio and Television), that were the subject of broad political and media discussions throughout the second half of 2001, were finally adopted and entered into force in November 2001. These amendments affect two main parts of the Law - one regulating the supervisory body of the electronic media in Bulgaria (its name, functions, requirements concerning its members, etc.) and one determining the procedure of licensing and registering radio and television operators. The former supervisory body of the electronic media in Bulgaria, called...