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IRIS 2004-10:1/31 [IT] Minispots Allowed only During the Breaks in Football Games

On 6 October 2004, the Communications Authority ­ AGCOM (Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni) decided to amend the regulation concerning commercial advertising, in particular the provision concerning the insertion of advertising during the broadcasting of football games. Regulation no. 538/01/CSP (see IRIS 2001-9: 11) provided that during the transmission of sports inserted during the intervals which are foreseen by the official regulations of the event being broadcast or during pauses in the game, provided that the advertising break does not interrupt the transmission of the sports action...

IRIS 2004-10:1/30 [IT] AGCOM Will Monitor on Conflict of Interests in the Broadcasting Sector

On 20 July 2004, the Italian Parliament approved provisions on the resolution of conflict of interests. According to these general rules, any person who holds a government post (eg, President of the Council of Ministers, Ministers, Deputy Ministers) has to devote him/herself to the protection of the public interest and abstain from voting in situations that may generate a conflict of interests. This situation occurs when the holder of a government post participates in the adoption of an act, or suggests its adoption or omits to adopt it, and this act has a specific or beneficial effect for the...

IRIS 2004-10:1/29 [IT] New Rules Implementing the Reform of Cinema

Three decreti ministeriali (Ministerial Decrees) have been published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Italian Official Gazette) of 8 October 2004. Together with six other Ministerial Decrees previously published, they implement the provisions laid down in the main Legislative Decree of 22 January 2004 (see IRIS 2004-3: 12). The Decrees aim to provide new specific rules reforming the law on cinema in Italy. In particular, these Decrees provide rules on financial contributions towards the production, distribution and promotion of movies, rules for the composition and functioning of the newly created Commissione...

IRIS 2004-7:1/25 [IT] Co-regulation to Ensure Pluralism in Local Broadcasting

Since 8 April 2004, political communication on local radio and television has been regulated by a co-regulatory code. The Political Communication Act no. 28/2000 (see IRIS 2000-3: 9) was amended in November 2003 by Act no. 313/2003 in order to entitle local broadcasters' associations to adopt a code on political communication. The Code has been revised according to the opinion of the Communications Authority (AGCOM) and adopted by a ministerial decree. The concept is the same as the main Act, but softer in its application. Any political body (" soggetto politico ") must be granted equal access...

IRIS 2004-7:1/24 [IT] Decree in Support of the Italian Film Industry Becomes Law

On 18 May, the Decreto Legge (statutory instrument) containing budgetary and non-budgetary measures aimed at supporting and stimulating the Italian film and entertainment industry was converted into law (see IRIS 2004-4: 12). The text of the law contains some modifications to the prior Decreto Legge, which, among other provisions, stipulates the criminal nature of the unauthorised distribution of copyrighted films via electronic means (including P2P networks) not only when this takes place for "commercial purposes" but also when it takes place "to derive (any) benefit". From the very beginning,...