[IT-PT] Films Co-Production Agreement between Italy and Portugal
IRIS 2004-10:1/82
Britta Probol
European Audiovisual Observatory
On 19 September 1997 a Co-Production Agreement was signed between Italy and Portugal.
The Agreement applies to all cinematographic works (feature films, animation, documentaries) irrespective of their length or medium.
Producers from third countries that are linked to either Italy or Portugal by a co-production agreement can join the co-production.
Financial contribution shall be at least 20%, in the case of multilateral co-productions 10%.
As an exception, a mere financial participation in a co-production can be approved. In such cases, the financial participation must be at least 20%.
For further information contact:
- Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione generale per il cinema - Servizio II: Relazioni esterne e internazionali
- Instituto do Cinema Audiovisual e Multimedia (ICAM) - O Encarregado das Relações Internacionais
- Films Co-Production Agreement between Italy and Portugal, 03/1999
- Aprova o Acordo de Co-Produção e Relações Cinematográficas entre a República Portuguesa e a República Italiana - Decreto n.º 15/2000 (Rectificações), 20 de Julho de 2000
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This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.