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IRIS 2006-4:1/26 [IE] ISPs Ordered to Disclose Details of File-Sharers

The High Court on 24 January made an order requiring three ISPs to hand over to four record companies the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 49 alleged file-sharers. The first such order had been made by the Court in July 2005 (see IRIS 2005-10: 15). The file-sharers in the recent case were all alleged to have downloaded between 500 and 5,000 files, in breach of s.140 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000 (see IRIS 2000-8: 13). The music companies intend to take infringement proceedings against the file-sharers. Mr. Justice Kelly described the activity as a modern form of thieving....

IRIS 2006-2:1/24 [IE] New Codes on Alcohol Advertising

In December 2005, new codes were launched on alcohol advertising on radio and television, in the cinema and in outdoor media. The codes, which are voluntary, were agreed between the Department of Health and Children, the drinks industry, the association of advertisers and representatives of the media. The purpose of the codes is to address Department of Health concerns in relation to alcohol advertising and young people. A monitoring body to oversee the implementation of the codes was also established. It will report annually to the Minister for Health and, if it becomes apparent that the system...

IRIS 2005-10:1/30 [IE] Broadcasting Developments Regarding TG4 and DTT

The Broadcasting Act 2001 (see IRIS 2001-4: 9) made provision for the Irish-language television station, TG4, to become independent of RTÉ, the national public service broadcaster. TG4 had been established under the legislation governing RTÉ. The move towards independence has now begun with the appointment by Government of consultants to develop an implementation plan. The Government has also announced its plans to pilot Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Ireland. The introduction of DTT in Ireland was provided for in the Broadcasting Act 2001 (see IRIS 2001-8: 11) However, initial attempts...

IRIS 2005-10:1/29 [IE] Broadcasting Code on Taste and Decency

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) has launched a public consultation in relation to the drafting of a new code of standards on taste and decency. The BCI is required by the Broadcasting Act 2001, s.19, to compile such a code (see IRIS 2001-4: 9). The code, which is due to be finalized for implementation in Autumn 2006, will apply to all broadcasters in the State. The public consultation ended on 28 October 2005. Earlier this year (April 2005) a complaint against RTÉ's showing of a mentally ill man being led from court in manacles was upheld by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission as...

IRIS 2005-10:1/28 [IE] Court Decision on Uploading Music from Internet

On 8 July 2005 the High Court ruled that music companies could sue seventeen people they believe are illegally uploading thousands of music tracks onto file-sharing networks. This is the first such decision in Ireland. The judge presiding over the new Commercial Court ordered two telephone companies, Eircom and BT Communications Ireland Ltd, to disclose to four record companies the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the seventeen who are subscribers to their services. The record companies gave an undertaking that the information would be used only for the purpose of seeking redress for alleged...