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IRIS 1998-3:1/28 [GB] Study Estimates the Economic Impact of UK Government Policies Regarding Digital TV
IRIS 1998-3:1/25 [GB] ITC Licence Fees 1998
IRIS 1998-3:1/24 [GB] Consultation on New Plans for Party Political Broadcasting
IRIS 1998-3:1/22 [GB] Inquiry into Audio-visual Communications and the Regulation of Broadcasting
IRIS 1998-3:1/21 [GB] Potential TV Ban for Security Camera Footage
IRIS 1998-3:1/1 [GB] Domain Names Dealing Banned
IRIS 1998-2:1/32 [GB] Independent Productions Transmitted by the BBC
IRIS 1998-2:1/31 [GB] Regulator Consults on Conditionnal Access Pricing
IRIS 1998-2:1/26 [GB] ITC Decides and Consults on Cross Promotions
IRIS 1998-2:1/25 [GB] Group Established to Review Listed Sporting Events
IRIS 1998-2:1/11 [GB] BBC not an Investigative Body in Possession of Different Powers from the Rest of the Media
IRIS 1998-1:1/25 [GB] BBC Gets Licence for 24 Hour Cable News
IRIS 1998-1:1/24 [GB] Broadcasting Closed-circuit Footage May Have Privacy Implications
IRIS 1997-10:1/28 [GB] ITC Makes another Recommandation to Ban a Satellite Channel
IRIS 1997-10:1/23 [GB] Satellite Television Regulations
IRIS 1997-10:1/22 [GB] OFTEL Consults on Conditional Access Pricing
IRIS 1997-10:1/13 [GB] Government Bans some Videosenders
IRIS 1997-10:1/10 [GB] Court of Appeal Rules on Journalists' Sources Case
IRIS 1997-9:1/29 [GB] ITC Extends Bundling Review
IRIS 1997-9:1/25 [GB] Quarterly BBC Programme Complaints Unit Bulletin Issued
IRIS 1997-9:1/20 [GB] Consultation Paper on Channel 3 Renewals
IRIS 1997-9:1/19 [GB] Channel 4 Funding Formula Payments Will End from 1999
IRIS 1997-8:1/29 [GB] ITC Changes Rules on Advertising Breaks
IRIS 1997-8:1/28 [GB] Satellite Television Service Regulations
IRIS 1997-8:1/23 [GB] Tax Relief for British films
IRIS 1997-7:1/25 [GB] Licences for Digital Terrestrial Television Awarded by Regulator
IRIS 1997-6:1/25 [GB] ITC Publishes 1996 Performance Reviews
IRIS 1997-6:1/24 [GB] Regulating for Changing Values
IRIS 1997-6:1/22 [GB] Government Announces Review of the "Listed Events" Protected from Exclusive Broadcasting on Subscription or Pay-per-view
IRIS 1997-6:1/10 [GB] Rock Band Fails to Prove Discrimination in Choice of Playlist
IRIS 1997-6:1/9 [GB] Election Broadcasts Subject to Review and Bans
IRIS 1997-5:1/20 [GB] New Advertising and Sponsorship Code for Radio
IRIS 1997-5:1/19 [GB] ITC Publishes Code for Listed Events
IRIS 1997-5:1/10 [GB] Failure to Receive a Good TV Signal Does not Necessarily Constitute Actionable Nuisance
IRIS 1997-4:1/31 [GB] The BBC and the future of broadcasting
IRIS 1997-4:1/30 [GB] No statutory protection for programme formats
IRIS 1997-4:1/29 [GB] Government to take action against satellite pornography channel
IRIS 1997-4:1/28 [GB] Consultation on provision of encryption services
IRIS 1997-4:1/27 [GB] Conditional access guidelines
IRIS 1997-4:1/26 [GB] New Sponsorship Code