United Kingdom
[GB-IT] The United Kingdom and Italy Sign Film Co-production Agreement
IRIS 1998-6:1/19
David Goldberg
deeJgee Research/Consultancy
A replacement for the September 1967 film co-production agreement was signed on 5 May, although it does not come into effect until after an exchange of notifications between the two countries. This will take place in around three to four months, after the necessary legislative processes have taken place. Currently, there are seven such agreements between the United Kingdom and Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Norway and New Zealand; the United Kingdom has also signed the Convention on Cinematographic Co-production. Amongst the principal differences from the earlier agreement are that (a) third country co-producers may take part in productions made under the Agreement and (b) those whose sole contribution is financial will be eligible to participate (i.e., instead of also creative and technical input).
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.