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IRIS 1995-7:1/2 G7: Communique of the 'G-7' Summit in Halifax

The Heads of State and Government of seven major industrialized nations and the President of the European Commission, have met in Halifax for their 21st annual Summit. They announced that they were committed to the successful completion of current negociations in services sectors and, in particular, significant liberalization in financial and telecommunications services. They will proceed with follow-up work foreseen in the Uruguay Round Final Act. They encourage work in areas such as technical standards, intellectual property; an immediate priority is the negotiation in the OECD of a high standard...

IRIS 1995-6:1/29 [DE] ARD and ZDF to Set Up Sports Rights and Marketing Agency

ARD and ZDF intend to work together on buying and selling television rights to national and international sports events, and are setting up the "Sports Rights and Marketing Agency, Ltd." for that purpose. Subject to approval by their respective boards, the directors have agreed to draw up articles of partnership. In addition to purchasing sports rights, the agency will provide marketing services for sports events. Shares will be equally divided between the ARD and the ZDF. The agency will be Munich based, and the ARD and ZDF expect it to strengthen their market position, since sports event organisers...

IRIS 1995-6:1/21 [DE] Liberalisation of the Cable TV Market

In its April 1995 position paper, " Deregulation of the Cable TV Market as an Element in the Reorganisation of Telecommunications in Germany", the Association of Private Network, Satellite and Cable Communications Operators (ANGA) welcomes the main points made by the Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in its paper of 27 March 1995 on future general regulations on telecommunications. ANGA represents mainly medium-sized private network operators in Germany. Its members include operators of cable and community television services and communications systems, housing developers, satellite...

IRIS 1995-6:1/20 [DE] Principles for Future Regulations in the Telecommunications Field

On 27 March 1995, the Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications issued a position paper, laying down a number of important principles for future general regulations on telecommunications. The paper reflects the Ministry's current thinking on these questions. When it has been discussed, the next stage will be drafting by experts of a new telecommunications act, with market regulation as its main emphasis. The principles are essentially based on the guidelines laid down in Part II of the European Commission's Green Paper on the Liberalisation of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Cable...

IRIS 1995-6:1/19 [DE] Interpretation of the Concept of Broadcasting in Proceedings Concerning the 'Montior-Journal'

The Administrative Court of the Saarland recently had to decide whether teletext-type pictures and graphics shown on silent endless loop by the "Monitor-Journal" via monitors installed on commercial premises, e.g. near department store cash points, should be classified as broadcasting. The material shown comprises news, advertisements, miscellaneous items and information supplied by client firms. It is put together at the Journal's office and fed via telephone into the client's computer. Material which the client wants included must be supplied to the Journal prior to transfer. Showing begins when...