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IRIS 2017-2:1/8 [DE] Federal Administrative Court finds broadcasting licence fee for business premises and commercial vehicles compatible with the Constitution
IRIS 2017-1:1/10 [DE] Licensing agreement signed by GEMA and YouTube
IRIS 2017-1:1/9 [DE] No broadcasting licence fee exemption on religious grounds
IRIS 2017-1:1/8 [DE] Cologne Appeal Court finds Tagesschau app unlawful
IRIS 2016-9:1/11 [DE] Accreditation rules of the Bavarian Football Association lawful
IRIS 2016-9:1/5 European Commission: Decision on funding of film production and distribution in Germany
IRIS 2016-9:1/2 Court of Justice of the European Union: Judgment on the case Tobias Mc. Fadden v. Sony Music Entertainment GmbH
IRIS 2016-9:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Brambilla and others v. Italy
IRIS 2016-8:1/15 [DE] Who is entitled to the “kickback discounts” received by a media agency?
IRIS 2016-8:1/14 [DE] Users must be informed by manufacturers about data transfer in the case of smart TVs
IRIS 2016-8:1/13 [DE] Hamburg Regional Court prohibits repetition of “abusive criticism”
IRIS 2016-8:1/12 [DE] No injunctive relief against rebroadcasting of child abuse drama
IRIS 2016-8:1/11 [DE] Filming of a hostage drama within the law despite murderer’s personality rights
IRIS 2016-8:1/10 [DE] Federal Administrative Court rules that Sport1 breached ban on surreptitious advertising
IRIS 2016-7:1/14 [DE] ZAK reaches decision on breaches of advertising rules
IRIS 2016-7:1/13 [DE] Licence extension for window programmes declared lawful
IRIS 2016-7:1/12 [DE] Hamburg District Court issues cease-and-desist order against broadcasting of a TV programme
IRIS 2016-6:1/11 [DE] Draft of a new Film Support Act adopted
IRIS 2016-6:1/10 [DE] New law for collecting societies
IRIS 2016-6:1/9 [DE] The producer of the dubbed version of a film is to be considered a film producer
IRIS 2016-6:1/8 [DE] Federal Administrative Court denies unconstitutionality of broadcasting licence fee for private households
IRIS 2016-5:1/10 [DE] Prohibited product placement of biscuits in TV show (“jungle camp”)
IRIS 2016-5:1/9 [DE] Advertising in online games does not constitute prohibited children's advertising
IRIS 2016-5:1/8 [DE] Potsdam District Court says spying on neighbours using a drone is not an innocent leisure pursuit
IRIS 2016-5:1/7 [DE] Investigations against satirist approved
IRIS 2016-4:1/10 [DE] North Rhine-Westphalia Landtag passes new law strengthening public service broadcasting
IRIS 2016-4:1/9 [DE] YouTube is not a music service subject to licensing
IRIS 2016-4:1/8 [DE] Google liable if aware of breaches of the law
IRIS 2016-3:1/11 [DE] Youth channel planned by ARD and ZDF confirmed by signing of 19th Amendment to the Inter-State Broadcasting Agreement
IRIS 2016-3:1/10 [DE] Public service TV broadcasters’ framework agreement with Producers’ Alliance
IRIS 2016-3:1/9 [DE] ARD and Producers’ Alliance negotiate “Framework Agreement 2.0”
IRIS 2016-3:1/8 [DE] Right to quote protects the use of exclusive interviews by competing TV stations
IRIS 2016-3:1/7 [DE] Obligation for commercial TV stations to broadcast a regional programme
IRIS 2016-2:1/8 [DE] TV show “Germany’s Next Top Model” does not breach German law
IRIS 2016-1:1/7 [DE] ARD publishes first report on programme producers
IRIS 2016-1:1/6 [DE] Federal Administrative Court declares commercial bumper broadcast by Sat.1 unlawful
IRIS 2015-10:1/11 [DE] YouTube and Google liable as “interferers” for breaches of copyright by their users
IRIS 2015-10:1/10 [DE] The “right to be forgotten” can be asserted vis-à-vis the operator on an online archive
IRIS 2015-9:1/10 [DE] ZAK takes fundamental decisions on platform regulation
IRIS 2015-9:1/9 [DE] BGH rules that framing of lawfully uploaded content does not infringe copyright