Search results : 50
Refine your searchIRIS 2014-2:1/26 [MK] New Law on Film Activities Fostering Film Productions in Macedonia | |
The Закон за филмска дејност (Act on Film Activities - LFA) entered into force on 1 January 2014. It aims to support and intensify the film activities in the country and to create positive conditions for further development of the film infrastructure. The Agency for Film will be the main State body, which will directly support the film activities and will work in accordance with a four-year Strategy for Development of Film Activities in the Republic of Macedonia. The Head of the Agency as well as the members of the Managing Board will be directly appointed by the national Government. The Agency... |
IRIS 2014-1:1/33 [MK] Amendments to Copyright Law for improvement of Author’s Rights Protection | |
In October 2013, the amendments of Закон за заштита на авторските и сродните права (Law on Protection of the Copyright and Neigbouring Rights) have been adopted by the Macedonian Parliament. Their purpose is to improve the protection of copyrights and related rights in the country. Shortcomings in the text of the Act and its implementation have been detected both by the implementation authorities as well as by the licensed collecting societies. The EU Commission in its Country’s Progress Report for 2013 noted: “The law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights is not aligned with the World Intellectual... |
IRIS 2013-8:1/28 [MK] Second Draft of the New Media Legislation Set for Public Discussion | |
During the heated debate on the new media law (see IRIS 2013-7/19) the Government proposed two acts to the Parliament for adoption. The first act, called Zakon za mediumi (Media Act), will regulate general issues of the media sector. The second one, called Zakon za audio-vizuelni mediumski uslugi (Act on Audio-visual Media Services), will focus more specifically on the audiovisual media services sector. In spite of the submissions from civil society organisations, professional media associations and the international community, the proposed acts include a rather high level of media regulation including... |
IRIS 2013-7:1/19 [MK] Public Debate over the New Media Law | |
The public debate over the draft of the new Закон за медиуми и аудиовизуелни медиумски сервиси (Law on Media and Audiovisual Media Services - “Draft Law”) has brought to the fore several crucial problematic areas. The Draft Law consisting of 166 Articles has been published and has been open to public debate since 30 April 2013. For the first time in the young Macedonian democracy, media regulation will be imposed on the print media and on websites, in addition to the existing broader legal framework comprising Criminal Law, Competition Law and the Law on Libel and Defamation (see IRIS 2012-10/22),... |
IRIS 2013-5:1/33 [MK] Handbook on Media Industry and Fair Competition | |
In March 2013, the Советот за радиодифузија (Broadcasting Council, i.e., the media regulation authority), published a Прирачник за создавање пазарни услови за одржлив економски раст на медиумската индустрија и фер конкуренција (Handbook on Establishing Market Conditions for the Sustainable Economic Growth of the Media Industry and Fair Competition). Its main purpose is to guide the members of the Broadcasting Council to implement broadcasting legislation in view of market growth, free competition and media pluralism. The eleven-page document provides an overview of provisions in the current media... |