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IRIS 2025-1:1/18 [IT] AGCOM opens public consultation on new code of conduct for influencers

On 26 November, AGCOM (Italy’s Communications Authority) launched a 45-day public consultation through Resolution No. 472/24/CONS. The initiative aims to redefine the term "influencer" and introduce a new code of conduct tailored to the evolving influencer landscape. These measures are the result of collaborative efforts by a technical working group established under the same resolution. The consultation proposes the introduction of the notion of “relevant influencers”, defined as those who meet at least one of the following criteria: at least 500 000 subscribers...

IRIS 2024-10:1/15 [IT] The Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) adopts guidelines on the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest

In its board meeting of 9 October 2024, the Italian Communications Authority (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni – AGCOM) approved the Guidelines on the prominence of audiovisual and radio media services of general interest (the Guidelines). The Guidelines are aimed at ensuring a prominent position for services of general interest on television screens, without prejudice to the possibility for users to customize how services are displayed, as required under the European Media Freedom Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/1083). To do so, the Guidelines lay down the criteria to...

IRIS 2024-9:1/10 [IT] AGCOM adopts draft regulation on age verification

On 24 September 2024, the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) approved the regulatory framework governing technical and procedural methods for verifying users' age (age assurance, or age verification), as outlined in Article 13-bis of Decree-Law No. 123 of 15 September 2023, converted with amendments by Law No. 159 of 13 November 2023 (the so-called Decreto Caivano). More specifically, Article 13-bis of the Decreto Caivano (Provisions for Age Verification for Access to Pornographic Websites) introduced a prohibition in Italian law on minors accessing pornographic content, as such content...

IRIS 2024-8:1/18 [IT] AGCOM adopts regulations on out-of-court dispute resolution bodies and trusted flaggers under Articles 21 and 22 DSA

In the Board meeting of 24 July 2024, the Italian Communication Authority (Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni – “AGCOM”) approved the Regulations laying down the procedural rules for the certification of out-of-court dispute resolution bodies between online platform providers and service recipients (Resolution No. 282/24/CONS) and for the issuance of the qualification as trusted flaggers (Resolution No. 283/24/CONS) under, respectively, Articles 21 and 22 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (“DSA”). The Regulations, which will enter into force on 15 September...

IRIS 2024-8:1/26 [IT] AGCOM sanctions RAI for hidden advertising during the Sanremo Festival

The Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM), by means of Resolution No. 94/24/CSP dated 24 July 2024, published on 5 August 2024, fined the Italian broadcasting company RAI EUR 206 580.00, equivalent to twenty times the minimum fine, for an incident involving the shoes worn by John Travolta during the 74th edition of the Sanremo 2024 Italian Song Festival. The Authority deemed it a case of covert advertising, concluding that the current regulations on the proper disclosure of advertising messages had not been adhered to. RAI argued that it had a specific contract with the renowned actor prohibiting...