Search results : 388 Refine your search Results display : Short Long « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 10 Next » IRIS 2017-1:1/24 [IT] The Guidelines of Italian regulatory Authority (AGCOM) about “hate speech”. IRIS 2017-1:1/23 [IT] Franceschini Law on cinema and audiovisual sector IRIS 2017-1:1/22 [IT] Online newspaper cannot publish “entertainment videos” without consent of the rightholder IRIS 2016-10:1/19 [IT] Decree on charges for the exploitation of digital terrestrial TV frequencies IRIS 2016-9:1/23 [IT] Decree on the television advertising of gaming IRIS 2016-9:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Brambilla and others v. Italy IRIS 2016-8:1/34 [IT] Data Protection Authority approves targeted advertising by Sky Italia IRIS 2016-8:1/26 [IT] AGCOM report on OTT operators and consumer communication services IRIS 2016-8:1/25 [IT] The Mediaset Premium-Calcion case IRIS 2016-7:1/24 [IT] Data protection authority finds bloggers deserve same treatment as journalists IRIS 2016-6:1/18 [IT] Court of Rome: no need for a detailed notice to trigger ISP’s liability IRIS 2016-4:1/20 [IT] AGCOM publishes the results of the inquiry on the audiovisual production sector IRIS 2016-3:1/23 [IT] Italian Supreme Court reverses the Consiglio di Stato’s judgment on the logical channel numbering plan (LCN). IRIS 2016-2:1/17 [IT] AGCOM approves evaluation of the Integrated System of Communications for 2014 IRIS 2016-2:1/16 [IT] AGCOM approves new technical specifications for synthesizers/decoders receiving digital TV signals IRIS 2016-1:1/21 [IT] AGCOM launches public consultation on changing the regulation on digital terrestrial radio broadcasting IRIS 2016-1:1/20 [IT] Constitutional Court rules that shorter hourly advertising limits for pay-TV broadcasters are not in breach of Italian Constitution IRIS 2015-10:1/21 [IT] AGCOM orders the blocking of the DNS of several football streaming sites IRIS 2015-10:1/20 [IT] New regulation on protection of customers in the supply of electronic communications services IRIS 2015-9:1/19 [IT] AGCOM’s guidelines on the quantification of fines IRIS 2015-8:1/23 [IT] Court of Rome rules Wikimedia Foundation not liable for content posted by users IRIS 2015-8:1/22 [IT] AGCOM Public consultation on identification of emerging platforms for the purpose of marketing audiovisual sports rights IRIS 2015-8:1/21 [IT] AGCOM reviews the national frequency allocation plan for local television IRIS 2015-7:1/21 [IT] AGCOM proceeding aimed at ascertaining dominant positions in the sector of audiovisual media services IRIS 2015-6:1/23 [IT] RAI Italian Government reform proposal IRIS 2015-5:1/21 [IT] Parliamentary hearing of AGCOM’s President on the fact-finding survey on the audiovisual media services IRIS 2015-5:1/20 [IT] Strategies for ultra-broadband and digital growth IRIS 2015-4:1/15 [IT] AGCOM Finalises Text on Television 2.0 Convergence IRIS 2015-3:1/20 [IT] AGCOM Consultation on the Promotion of European Works IRIS 2015-3:1/19 [IT] Ruling on ISP Liability for Online TV Programmes IRIS 2015-2:1/26 [IT] Government Adopts Legislative Decree on Permitted Uses of Orphan Works IRIS 2014-9:1/23 [IT] AGCOM adopts new regulation on transfer of ownership and enforcement of concentration limits in the media sector IRIS 2014-8:1/30 [IT] AGCOM launches a public consultation on promotion of European works by on-demand audiovisual media service providers IRIS 2014-8:1/2 United Nations: The mission to Italy of the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression IRIS 2014-6:1/24 [IT] Parliamentary Committee Approves Service Contract for Italy’s Public Service Media Operator IRIS 2014-4:1/23 [IT] Supreme Appeal Court Finds Google Executives Not Liable for Violent Video IRIS 2014-3:1/32 [IT] Court of Cassation Rules on Right to Image in relation to a Gay Pride Parade Television Feature IRIS 2014-3:1/31 [IT] AGCOM Adopts a Regulation on Copyright Protection IRIS 2014-1:1/32 [IT] Open Access in Italy IRIS 2014-1:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Ricci v. Italy « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 … 10 Next »