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IRIS 1998-9:1/24 [ES] Resolution Sets Limits to Advertising Campaigns Made by Dominant Operators
IRIS 1998-9:1/20 [ES] Possession or Distribution of Audio-Visual Works Containing Child Pornography Classified as Criminal Offences
IRIS 1998-9:1/15 [ES] New Provisions on the Protection of Personal Data and of Their Free Movement
IRIS 1998-9:1/14 [ES] Catalan Decree on Quotas for Films in Catalan
IRIS 1998-8:1/18 [ES] Code of Listed Sport Events
IRIS 1998-7:1/18 [ES] Approval of a decree on the creation of a Committee for the Broadcasting of Sport Events
IRIS 1998-6:1/17 [ES] Publication of the Instrument of Ratification of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television
IRIS 1998-6:1/14 [ES] Telecommunications Law Passed
IRIS 1998-4:1/25 [ES] More Sanctions to Spanish Broadcasters when Infringing Advertising Rules
IRIS 1998-4:1/18 [ES] Bill to Implement the Revised “Television without Frontiers” Directive
IRIS 1998-2:1/30 [ES] Finally, some Sanctions under the Spanish Law Implementing the Television without Frontiers Directive in Sight
IRIS 1998-2:1/29 [ES] Socialist Party Challenges Constitutionality of Latest Amendment of Law on Digital TV
IRIS 1998-1:1/12 [ES] The Granting of Private TV Licences by the Government in 1989 Considered Lawful by Supreme Court
IRIS 1997-10:1/26 [ES] The European Commission Abandons Proceedings
IRIS 1997-10:1/25 [ES] Non Adoption of a Bill on Media Concentration
IRIS 1997-10:1/19 [ES] Bill on Telecommunications
IRIS 1997-9:1/13 [ES] The Spanish Government Modifies the Digital TV Law
IRIS 1997-8:1/19 [ES] Adoption of Law on the Broadcasting of Major Events
IRIS 1997-8:1/18 [ES] Final Approval of Law on Liberalisation of Telecommunications
IRIS 1997-7:1/24 European Commission: Provision in the Spanish Law on Satellite Digital Television Platforms Found in Breach of the EC Treaty
IRIS 1997-5:1/14 [ES] Telecommunications - New Supervision and Arbitration Body
IRIS 1997-5:1/13 [ES] Parliament Adopts Digital Television Act Bill on Transmission and Retransmission of Sports Competitions and Events
IRIS 1997-4:1/34 [ES] Changes to Bill on Digital Television Act agreed
IRIS 1997-2:1/16 [ES] Government issues Decree on digital television
IRIS 1997-2:1/5 State of Signatures and Ratifications on 1 February of the: European Convention on transfrontier television European Convention on cinematographic co-production
IRIS 1996-10:1/23 [ES] Cable Regulation
IRIS 1996-6:1/17 [ES] Overview of relevant new legislative rules
IRIS 1996-4:1/22 European Commission: Objections against Cablevision agreement of Telefonica and Canal Plus Spain
IRIS 1996-2:1/16 [ES] Developments in telecommunications in 1995
IRIS 1996-1:1/18 [ES] Cable television law
IRIS 1995-10:1/15 [ES] Cable Telecommunications Bill
IRIS 1995-7:1/39 [ES] An Advertising Self-regulatory Association Is Set Up
IRIS 1995-7:1/38 [ES] Tapping King Juan Carlos' Phone Conversations
IRIS 1995-7:1/37 [ES] Expensive Broadcasting Rights for a Sports Event
IRIS 1995-7:1/14 [ES] Entry into Force of Certain Provisions of the Act of Transposition of the Directive 'Television without Frontiers'
IRIS 1995-7:1/13 [ES] New Law on Advertising
IRIS 1995-7:1/11 [ES] Compensatory Payment for Private Copies
IRIS 1995-1:1/51 [NL/ES] Agreement on Cultural and Scientific Co-operation between Spain and the Netherlands
IRIS 1995-1:1/33 [ES] Constitutional Court ruling on Local Cable Distribution