
[ES] Approval of Regulation on Radio Spectrum

IRIS 2000-4:1/10

Alberto Pérez Gómez

Entidad publica empresarial RED.ES

The Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Development) has approved a new Regulation that implements Part V ("The Public Radio Domain") of the 1998 General Telecommunications Act. The Regulation provides a detailed list of conditions for management of the public spectrum domain and of the procedures for awarding the right to use the public domain. The Regulation also allows for the liberalisation of the broadcasting carrier services, which until 3 April 2000 could only be provided by the public enterprise Ente Público de la Red Técnica

Española de Televisión - either directly or through the company Retevisión, which was the one actually providing the service. The Regulation includes some measures intended to ensure that the continuity of the broadcasting carrier service is not affected by the liberalisation. The Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones (Telecommunications Market Commission) will resolve any disputes related to the provision of this service that may arise between the broadcasters and Retevisión.


  • Orden de 9 de marzo de 2000 por la que se aprueba el Reglamento de Desarrollo de la Ley 11/1998, de 24 de abril, General de Telecomunicaciones en lo relativo al uso del dominio público radioeléctrico, B.O.E. no 64, de 15 de Marzo de 2000, pp. 10577-10586.
  • Regulation on the implementation of the provisions of the General Telecommunications Act related to public spectrum domain, B.O.E. no 64,of 15.03.2000, pp. 10577-10586.

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.