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IRIS 2000-7:1/30 [IT] Government Will Be Able to Reduce the Number of Licenses for UMTS

The current Telecommunication Authority decided on 1 June 2000 that the Italian government would be allowed to cut the number of UMTS licenses that can be obtained (at present the actual number is five), when five or fewer bids are received. The Italian Authority, moreover, considered the competence of the government with regard to the possibility of postponing the deadline for applications. Following the allocation of the 5 UMTS licenses, the Authority will leave room for a second auction, to be reserved for "new entries". This second auction will oversee the adjudication of two extra portions...

IRIS 2000-7:1/29 [IT] Draft Law on Publishing and Editorial Products

On 8 June 2000, the Commissione cultura, scienza e istruzione (Commission for cultural affairs) of the Camera dei Deputati (Chambers of Deputies) started the analysis of Governmental Draft law no. C 6946 on Nuove norme sull'editoria e sui prodotti editoriali (Publishing and Editorial Products). About 20 years after the last intervention on this issue, this Draft Law modifies the Publishing Act n. 416/1981 (Disciplina delle imprese editrici e provvidenze per l'editoria, in Gazz. Uff. 12 January 1985, no. 10) in several areas. Article 1 updates the definition of editorial products to include both...

IRIS 2000-7:1/28 [IT] Draft Law on Copyright

On 21 June 2000 the Camera dei Deputati (Chambers of Deputies) approved the Governmental Draft Law no. C 4953bis Nuove norme di tutela del diritto d'autorei (Law on Copyright), and passed the text to the second chamber of the Parliament, the Senato della Repubblica (Senate) with no. S. 1496B for the final approval. The Draft modifies the Act Protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti concessi al suo esercizio (Copyright Act no. 633/1941, in Gazz. Uff. 16 July 1941, no. 166), and specifies, as a general rule, that exclusive distribution rights apply to any long-distance infrastructure, such...

IRIS 2000-7:1/12 [IT] Parliament Informed about Dominant Positions in the Television Broadcasting Market

Pursuant to the Istituzione dell'Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni e norme sui sistemi delle telecomunicazioni e radiotelevisivo (Communications Act of 31 July 1997, no. 249, see IRIS 1997-8: 10, hereinafter: "Act") and to the Regolamento in materia di costituzione e mantenimento di posizioni dominanti nel settore delle comunicazioni (Dominant Positions Regulation no. 26/99; see IRIS 1999-7: 11), on 13 June 2000 the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - AGC) adopted Decision no. 365/00/CONS ascertaining the existence of dominant positions on...

IRIS 2000-6:1/18 [IT] A Common Decoder for Pay-TV from 1 July 2000

After the completion of the procedure (IRIS 1999-8: 10) laid down by the Transparency Directive 98/34/EC of 22 June 1998, on 7 April 2000 the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority, hereinafter AGC) approved a regulation concerning the definition of common standards for pay-TV decoders. Pursuant to Law no. 78/99 (IRIS 1999-4: 8) a common decoder will be compulsory in Italy from 1 July 2000. Consequently, the regulation will enter into force on the same day and apply to broadcasters established in Italy according to the provisions of the Television without...