
[IT] Public Consultation on DTT

IRIS 2001-6:1/19

Maja Cappello

Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (AGCOM)

From 11 April to 8 May 2001, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority) conducted a public consultation on the regulation concerning the licensing of digital terrestrial radio and television broadcasting. Pursuant to article 2bis, para. 7, of Law No. 66/2001 (Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 23 gennaio 2001, n. 5, recante disposizioni urgenti per il differimento di termini in materia di trasmissioni radiotelevisive analogiche e digitali, nonché per il risanamento di impianti radiotelevisivi, Legge of 20 March 2001, no. 66, in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Journal) of 24 March 2001, no. 70; see IRIS 2001-4: 9), the regulation has to be adopted by the Authority by 30 June 2001.

The document for the consultation asks the public service broadcaster, associations of commercial broadcasters, parties intending to apply for a DTT licence, consumers' associations and other interest groups to provide comments on the following issues: 1) distinctions between content providers and digital radio and television broadcasting service providers; 2) provisions aiming at the sharing of plants for digital transmissions; 3) definitions of the duties of operators as regards the principles of pluralism, transparency, competition and non-discrimination; 4) technical, commercial and regulatory consequences of the new obligations introduced by Law No. 66/2001; 5) procedures and deadlines for the issue of licences and authorisations; 6) interim provisions concerning the transition from analog to digital transmissions; 7) opportunities for specific provisions concerning digital terrestrial radio broadcasting and conditional access services.

The follow-up to the consultation will be published on the website of the Authority.


  • Delibera of 11 April 2001, n. 170/01/CONS, Consultazione pubblica concernente regolamento relativo al rilascio delle licenze ed autorizzazioni per la diffusione di trasmissione radiotelevisive in tecnica digitale
  • Delibera of 11 April 2001, n. 170/01/CONS, Public consultation on the regulation concerning the licensing of digital terrestrial radio and television broadcasting

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.