Search results : 1115
Refine your searchIRIS 2003-1:1/25 [FR] Regulations on Authorisation of Cinema Season Tickets | |
UGC's initiative taken in March 2000 without any prior reference to the public authorities to launch an "unlimited" season ticket resulted - in addition to the company being fined FRF 1.5 million for breach of the cinematographic industry code (see IRIS 2000-8: 9) - in the adoption of measures to set limits on commercial schemes of this type. Since the acts of 15 May and 17 July 2001, setting up a scheme for cinema access giving entitlement to more than one entry ("unlimited cinema season tickets") is subject to the prior authorisation of the director of the Centre national de la cinématographie... |
IRIS 2003-1:1/17 [FR] Submission of Kriegel Report on Television Violence and the Reaction of the Ministry of Culture | |
Last summer, when he was being questioned the day after the murder of a teenager that was supposedly inspired by an American horror film, the Minister for Culture and Communication, Jean-Jacques Aillagon, entrusted the philosopher Blandine Kriegel with a mission on "the impact of television violence on the public and on young people". Her report was submitted formally to the Minister on 14 November. The report proposes in particular a reinforcement of the absolute nature of the ban on broadcasting violent images between 6.30 am and 10 pm and the separation of subscription to pornographic shows... |
IRIS 2003-1:1/16 [FR] The Conseil d'État Delivers Statement on Qualification as a European Work Originally Made in the French Language | |
On 12 December 2001, the Conseil d'État, required to deal with an urgent matter, decided to suspend the CSA's decision to refuse the qualification of the animated film Le journal d'Anne Franck as a European work originally made in the French language because of serious doubts concerning the legality of the measure (see IRIS 2002-2: 13). As the procedure for dealing with an urgent matter where suspension is involved requires that an application on the merits be entered, the Conseil d'État delivered a decision on 15 November in which it expressed its opinion that, on the contrary, the film's producer... |
IRIS 2002-10:1/15 [FR] Michel Boyon Submits his Report on Digital Terrestrial Television | |
On 17 July 2002, the Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin asked Michel Boyon, a former chairman of Radio France, to report on certain aspects of digital terrestrial television (DTT) in order to enlighten the Government in its decision-making on three points - financing methods and an evaluation of the cost of the operations for reorganising frequencies necessary for setting up terrestrial digital television, the parameters of the public-service television channels on DTT, and the conditions for developing local television stations. This followed on from questions from the Chairman of the Conseil... |
IRIS 2002-10:1/14 [FR] CSA's Response to the Government's Public Consultation on the Evolution of French Law on Electronic Communications | |
At its plenary meeting on 1 October 2002, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (the audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) adopted the text of its response to the evolution of French law on electronic communications as part of the public consultation launched by the Government with a view to incorporating the "Telecoms Package" into national legislation. For the audiovisual sector, the public consultation broaches many questions that, without necessarily being directly linked to the incorporation of Community texts in national legislation, touch on the very organisation of regulation and the legal... |