
[FR] CSA Redefines Conditions for Broadcasting Programmes Not to Be Shown to Children under the Age of 12

IRIS 2003-5:1/13

Amélie Blocman


After stating and supplementing the existing arrangements for limiting the television broadcasting of "Category V" programmes, ie cinematographic works that may not be shown to people under the age of 18 years and pornographic or very violent programmes, (see IRIS 2003-4: 9), the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (audiovisual regulatory body - CSA) has now turned to those in Category III - works that are deemed not suitable for children under the age of 12 and works that may not be screened in cinemas to children under the age of 12. These programmes may not be broadcast in the 20:30h slot by any services that are not cinema or pay-per-view services.

Following on from a meeting with the management of the national channels, the CSA has redefined the conditions for broadcasting these programmes. An amendment incorporating these new arrangements will therefore be added to the current agreements with the national channels; the agreements with future channels or new agreements with cable and satellite channels already in existence will also include the new arrangements.

After discussion in plenary on 11 March 2003, the CSA decided to maintain the extension of the absolute ban on Category III programmes in the early evening during all school holidays and on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and the night before public holidays. Although there is already the possibility of waiving on four occasions the ban on broadcasting such works in the 20:30h slot, the CSA states that only cinematographic works designated as not to be shown to children under the age of 12 by the Minister with responsibility for culture will be counted for these four exceptions.

On the subject of the exceptional broadcasting of programmes in this category, and in order to define the slots for these broadcasts, the phrase "before 22:00h" contained in the agreements with the channels will be replaced by the phrase "after 20:30h". In addition, the criteria for the exceptional broadcasting of programmes in this category early in the evening will be defined in a recommendation to be published shortly. Nevertheless, the CSA decided against requiring the broadcasting of a specific warning for this type of programme.

The working party on the «protection of young people and programming ethics» was also given the task of holding regular meetings with channel management to examine after the event their practices in the exceptional broadcasting of programmes in this category in the early part of the evening's viewing.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.