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IRIS 2005-2:1/23 [FR] Recommendation on the Handling of International Conflicts

In the light of the numerous international conflicts that television channels and radio stations cover every day, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (regulatory authority - CSA) adopted on 7 December 2004 a recommendation addressing the repercussions certain international trouble spots could have in France, and calling for particular vigilance in the exercise of editorial responsibility. In doing so, the CSA, as guarantor of the impartiality of information, recalled the need to check the accuracy of the information broadcast or, in the event of uncertainty, to present the information in the...

IRIS 2005-2:1/22 [FR] New CSA Recommendation on Violent or Pornographic Programmes

In a recommendation of 15 December 2004, the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (official regulatory authority - CSA) strengthened the measures that apply to editors and distributors of television services broadcasting "Category V" programmes, in cinematographic works that may not be shown to anyone under the age of 18 years and pornographic or extremely violent programmes. This recommendation cancels and replaces previous recommendations on the subject (see IRIS 2003-4: 9 and IRIS 2003-10: 7). The CSA recalled the principles that are already established, according to which only "cinema" channels,...

IRIS 2005-2:1/21 [FR] Eutelsat Must Stop Broadcasting Al Manar TV

Does the order in an urgent matter issued by the Conseil d'État on 13 December 2004 ordering Eutelsat to stop broadcasting the television channel Al Manar mark the end of the channel being broadcast in Europe? This is not the first time that the regulatory authority (Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel - CSA) has applied to the Conseil d'État, on the basis of the new Article 42-10 of the amended Act of 30 September 1986 introduced by the Act of 9 July 2004, on this subject, because of the Lebanese channel's broadcasting of programmes of an anti-Semitic nature (see IRIS 2004-9: 11). The television...

IRIS 2005-1:1/22 [FR] Towards Public Film Aid Reforms?

Whereas the European Commission is very keen to safeguard cultural diversity as part of the ongoing discussions at UNESCO, the Paris Administrative Court recently issued an important decision, cancelling the approval - and the related right to public aid - given by the Centre nationale de la cinématographie (national film centre - CNC) to Jean-Pierre Jeunet's film " Un long dimanche de fiançailles ". Under the terms of the decree of 24 February 1999 on financial support of the film industry, feature-length films made by French companies or through international co-production are entitled to financial...

IRIS 2005-1:1/21 [FR] Al Manar TV Soap Opera Continues

On 19 November, following the order handed down by the Conseil d'Etat on 20 August (see IRIS 2004-9:11), the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (audiovisual regulatory body) signed an agreement with the Lebanese television channel Al Manar, which has close links with Hezbollah and is broadcast by the Eutelsat satellite. Under the terms of the agreement, the channel "must not infringe personal dignity, incite practices or conduct punishable under French criminal law, must respect the political, cultural and religious tendencies of European people, must not incite hatred, violence or discrimination...