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IRIS 2006-4:1/21 [FR] Urgent Authorisation to Pre-view a Disputed Report
IRIS 2006-4:1/20 [FR] Court of Cassation Pronounces on Private Copying versus Technical Protective Devices
IRIS 2006-4:1/1 European Court of Human Rights: Case of Giniewski v. France
IRIS 2006-3:1/24 [FR] Inter-professional Agreement Signed on Cinema on Demand
IRIS 2006-3:1/23 [FR] Docu-fiction versus Privacy, Right to One's Image and Right to Be Forgotten
IRIS 2006-3:1/22 [FR] Peer-to-peer: towards a Reversal of Precedent?
IRIS 2006-3:1/21 [FR] Another Case Upheld against a Producer for Using an Anti-copy Device on a CD
IRIS 2006-2:1/17 [FR] Submission of the Lancelot Report on Media Concentration
IRIS 2006-2:1/16 [FR] CSA Recommendation on Broadcasting certain Types of Fighting Contest
IRIS 2006-2:1/15 [FR] Draft legislation on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights in the Information Society still under Discussion
IRIS 2006-2:1/2 European Court of Human Rights: Case of Tourancheau and July v. France (affaire Libération)
IRIS 2006-1:1/39 [FR] Non-European Channels No longer Obliged to Conclude Agreement with CSA
IRIS 2006-1:1/24 [FR] Creation of a French International News Channel
IRIS 2006-1:1/23 [FR] CSPLA Opinion on Peer-to-peer Activities
IRIS 2006-1:1/22 [FR] Decree Published on the Declaration Scheme for Distributors of Audiovisual Communication Services
IRIS 2005-10:1/25 [FR] Public Consultation on Digital Local Television in the Ile-de-France Region
IRIS 2005-10:1/24 [FR] Canal Plus Ordered to Keep to Quotas for Broadcasting Audiovisual Works
IRIS 2005-10:1/23 [FR] Internet User Fined for Making Music Files Available to the Public on a Peer-to-peer Network
IRIS 2005-10:1/22 [FR] Canal Plus Fined for Using a Programme Concept without the Originators' Authorisation
IRIS 2005-9:1/20 [FR] Diagnosis and Proposals for Improving French Exports of Audiovisual Programmes
IRIS 2005-9:1/19 [FR] Experiments in Television for Mobile Phones
IRIS 2005-9:1/18 [FR] Reaffirmation of the Principle of Equity among Political Parties in the Context of the Recent Referendum Campaign
IRIS 2005-9:1/17 [FR] Criteria for Issuing Authorisations to Operate Terrestrial Radio Broadcasting Services
IRIS 2005-8:1/21 [FR] Senate Report Analyses Impact of Liberalising Television Advertising
IRIS 2005-8:1/20 [FR] CSA Recommendation on Minimum Age Marking and Programme Classification
IRIS 2005-8:1/19 [FR] Cancellation of Investment Approval for the Film L'ex-femme de ma vie Invalidated on Appeal
IRIS 2005-7:1/35 Court of Justice of the European Communities: Judgment in Lagardère Active Broadcast V. SPRE & GVL
IRIS 2005-7:1/21 [FR] Reform of the Public Cinematographic Register
IRIS 2005-7:1/20 [FR] Cancellation of Approval for Un long dimanche de fiançailles Upheld
IRIS 2005-7:1/19 [FR] Access Providers Obliged for the First Time to Filter Access to a Racist Site
IRIS 2005-7:1/7 European Commission: State Aid for the Chaîne Française d'Information Internationale Approved
IRIS 2005-6:1/27 [FR] Canal + Receives First Official Notice for Les Guignols de l'Info
IRIS 2005-6:1/26 [FR] Does Finding Nemo Infringe Copyright in a Pre-existing Work?
IRIS 2005-6:1/25 [FR] Anti-copying Devices vs. the Private Copy
IRIS 2005-6:1/5 European Commission: Inquiry into Financing of Public Broadcasters Closed
IRIS 2005-5:1/12 [FR] CNIL Authorises Collection and Processing of Personal Data on the Internet to Counter Peer-to-peer Activities
IRIS 2005-5:1/11 [FR] CSA Recommendation on the European Constitution Referendum
IRIS 2005-5:1/10 [FR] Implementing Decree on Tax Credit for Audiovisual Production
IRIS 2005-4:1/15 [FR] Acquittal of a Video Pirate Upheld
IRIS 2005-4:1/14 [FR] Collective Aerials Are Subject to Copyright Royalties