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IRIS 2016-7:1/13 [DE] Licence extension for window programmes declared lawful

In a judgment of 1 March 2016 (Case 5 K 977/14.NW), the Verwaltungsgericht (Administrative Court) in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse declared lawful the extension granted by the Rhineland-Palatinate Landeszentrale für Media und Kommunikation (Regional Media and Communication Authority - LMK) to the licence for the regional window programme “17:30 Sat.1 live”, which is made by the TV production company TV IIIa GmbH & Co. KG (TV Illa) and forms part of the schedule of the commercial broadcaster Sat.1. Under section 25(4) of the Rundfunkstaatsvertrag (Inter-State Broadcasting Agreement), in order to foster...

IRIS 2016-7:1/12 [DE] Hamburg District Court issues cease-and-desist order against broadcasting of a TV programme

In a decision of 12 April 2016 (Case 324 O 96/16), the Landgericht Hamburg (Hamburg District Court) issued a temporary injunction prohibiting the broadcasting of a television programme produced by a team of reporters that had set itself the task of revealing serious shortcomings in companies. In this particular case, the programme “Team Wallraff - Reporter undercover” of the broadcaster RTL wanted to show sloppy working practices in a hospital caused by pressure to keep costs down. In order to do this, a female reporter infiltrated the hospital disguised as a trainee and produced footage broadcast...

IRIS 2016-6:1/11 [DE] Draft of a new Film Support Act adopted

On 23 March 2016, the German cabinet adopted the draft of a new Filmförderungsgesetz (Film Support Act - FFG) submitted by the Minister for Culture. Before that, comprehensive discussions had been held with the participation of the film-industry associations and institutions concerned. The purpose of the draft Act is to adapt film support legislation to future needs. The Film Support Act is the legal basis for the provision of film support by the Filmförderungsanstalt (Film Support Agency - FFA). The aim is not only to provide more effective and successful support for quality German films, but...

IRIS 2016-6:1/10 [DE] New law for collecting societies

On 24 May 2016 the Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetz (Collecting Societies Act - VGG) was adopted. This act transposes Directive 2014/26/EU on collective management of copyright and related rights (see IRIS 2014-4/4) and replaces the previous Urheberrechtswahrnehmungsgesetz (Copyright Administration Act). The purpose of the new Act is to simplify the fixing of tariff rates, the EU-wide grant of usage rights and the participation in general meetings of members. The Bundestag commented in a resolution on the judgment of the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice - BGH) of 21 April 2016 concerning...

IRIS 2016-6:1/9 [DE] The producer of the dubbed version of a film is to be considered a film producer

The OLG Rostock (Rostock Higher Regional Court) ruled in a decision of 6 January 2016 (case no. 2 W 31/15) that a film producer acquires rights in a dubbed version through a material act, even if the producer of the dubbed version has not obtained the necessary rights. The plaintiff, who sought an interlocutory injunction, produced a dubbed German version of a Norwegian film. The title of the German version is “Z.D.K.”; the original Norwegian title is “Mørke sjeler”. It is not known whether other dubbed versions have been made. The defendant distributed the German version of the film without the...