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IRIS 2011-1:1/12 [BG] Copyright Protection in Media Regulation

According to the Закон за радиото и телевизията (Bulgarian Radio and Television Act - RTA) one of the general principles of broadcasting activity is the consideration of copyrights and related rights within programmes. This is regulated in the provision of Art. 10, para. 1, point 8 of the RTA. According to Art. 9, para. 1 RTA the providers of media services distribute programmes only in the circumstances of preliminarily settled copyrights and related rights. This is the reason why one of the requirements for the registration or licensing of a new radio or television programme is for the candidate...

IRIS 2011-1:1/11 [BG] Draft Election Code

On 4 November 2010 the members of Parliament from the ruling GERB party submitted to the National Assembly the Draft Election Code (“Draft”). There is a special section in the Draft regulating the media coverage of election campaigns, including the start of the election campaign, the election promotion, etc. The Draft sets out that the control over the election campaigns shall cover newspapers, magazines (and their online editions), information bulletins, radio, television and other audio-visual services. However, the scope of control over the election campaigns excludes social networks and blogs. The...

IRIS 2010-10:1/17 [BG] Conflict of Interest Case in the Media Sector

The Parliamentary Anti-Corruption, Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary Ethics Committee has submitted a report on the basis of which the Supreme Administrative Court initiated a lawsuit under the Conflict of Interest Prevention and Disclosure Act (promulgated in the State Gazette No 94/31 of October 2008, effective since 1 January 2009; see IRIS 2009-2: 9/10). The lawsuit is being brought against the chairman of the Council for Electronic Media. It is alleged that he did not observe the seven-day term for filing a declaration as required by the Conflict of Interest Prevention and Disclosure...

IRIS 2010-10:1/16 [BG] Notification Regime regarding Providers of non-linear Media Services

On 14 September 2010 the Council for Electronic Media registered in the Public Register kept by it Trans Telekom AD as a provider of non-linear services, and more specifically video-on-demand services. The latter enables the end customers to receive at a time fixed by them a particular event (music, movie, etc) as chosen from a catalogue on the territory of the cities of Sofia, Varna, Golden Sands Resort, Albena Resort, St. Constantine and Elena Resort, Sunny Beach Resort, Kamchiya Resort and Alen Mak Resort. On the same date the Council for Electronic Media has entered on the Public Register Amotera...

IRIS 2010-10:1/15 [BG] Development of the Amendments to the Copyright Act

In September 2010 the draft amendments to the Закон за авторското право и сродните му права (Copyright and Related Rights Act - ЗАПСП) were successfully passed in two Parliamentary Committees (see IRIS 2010-8: 1/15). On 16 September 2010 all the members of the Legal Affairs Committee except one voted ‘for’ the proposed amendments. One week later their colleagues from the Culture, Media and Civil Society Committee also approved the amendments with a majority. However, both committees agreed that the draft should be reviewed because there was a variance between some of the provisions and an obvious...