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IRIS 2010-3:1/36 [SI] Draft Act on the Slovenian Film Centre

The Slovenian Ministry of Culture released a draft Act on the Slovenian Film Centre (“Act”) for public discussion early in February 2010. The regulation is expected to solve the crisis in the Slovenian cinematography sector which culminated in a series of irregularities in the Slovenian Film Fund in 2007. These were revealed by civil society and State institutions such as the Budget Supervision Office, the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption and finally in 2009 by a revision of the Court of Audit. The Act on Public Funds which was amended in August 2008 demands several minimum standards...

IRIS 2010-2:1/33 [SI] Draft Public Broadcaster Amendment Act Published

In November 2009 a draft amendment to the Zakon o Radioteleviziji Slovenija (Radio and Television Act of Slovenia) was put to public discussion. In the public and expert debates focus has been put on the renewed structure of the Programme Council and its expanded competencies. Numerous professionals and experts, public opinion and the parliamentary opposition are against the proposed modifications, thus, the draft is expected to meet changes. The existing Programme Council of the public broadcaster Radio and Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenija) consists of 29 members; the criteria for their appointment...

IRIS 2010-1:1/39 [SI] Measure against a Reality Show

The international TV enterprise Pro Plus produced a Slovenian reality show featuring some public figures. The “Celebrity Farm” (Kmetija slavnih) started broadcasting on 28 September 2009 on the commercial broadcaster POP TV every day except Sunday in the early evening. As it contains explicit sexual scenes, scenes of violence, bad language, pornographic material, unnecessary violence against animals, rough hierarchical patterns among participants, promotion of alcohol and tobacco consumption, there are many complaints against it. On 16 November 2009 the Agencija za pošto in elektronske komunikacije...

IRIS 2009-10:1/27 [SI] The Right of Reply Discussed in the Media Act Amendment Process

The Slovenian Ministry of Culture has set in motion a process of amendment of the Slovenian Media Act. As became apparent in the previous amendment proceedings to the Media Act in 2006, one of the most important and publicly relevant topics is the right of reply. The most distinctive stipulations of the amended Media Act (Zakon o medijih, ZMed - 1), which are still valid, comprise: - An addition to the previous Media Act stipulations as regards the definition of communication ( obvestilo ), which can be the subject of reply (“communication is every content, which may encroach the rights or interests...

IRIS 2009-6:1/30 [SI] Self-Regulatory Document of Mobile Telephone Operators

On 31 March 2009 the Slovenian mobile telephone operators signed Samoregulacijski kodeks ravnanja operaterjev mobilnih elektronskih komunikacijskih storitev o varnejši rabi mobilnih telefonov s strani otrok in mladoletnih do 18. leta (self-regulatory ethical rules for handling the mobile electronic communication services in regard to the safer use by minors below the age of 18). The self-regulatory document was articulated with reference to the “European Framework for Safer Mobile Use by Younger Teenagers and Children” (the self-regulatory guidelines of the GSM Europe, an interest group of the...