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IRIS 2013-6:1/31 [RU] Decree on Must-Carry Channels Amended Again

On 20 April 2013 the Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a decree effectively changing the composition of the country’s first DTT multiplex. (see IRIS 2011-7/41, IRIS 2009-10/25 and IRIS plus 2013-1). This multiplex will now no longer carry a regional channel and will be entirely federal, with the 10th slot being allocated to the TV company “TV Tsentr” (TV Center). TV Center is an open stock company with over 99 percent of the stock in the hands of the City Government of Moscow (which is legally not a municipality, but rather a subject of the Russian Federation, or a province), the chair of...

IRIS 2013-1:1/34 [RU] Resolution of the Supreme Commercial Court on Transparency of Justice

On 8 October 2012, Высший Арбитражный суд Российской Федерации (The Supreme Commercial Court of the Russian Federation) adopted at its plenary session Resolution “Об обеспечении гласности в арбитражном процессе” (On Provisions of Glasnost in Commercial Court Procedure). The Resolution instructs the judges (about 4,000 in total) of such courts that text reporting from the court sessions via social media and Internet with the use of personal technical means is allowed without any special permission or notification of the presiding judge or sides of the parties in the proceedings. The Supreme Commercial...

IRIS 2012-9:1/37 [RU] Age Ratings for TV and Online Media Introduced

On 4 September 2012, the governmental watchdog agency for the media and communications, Roskomnadzor (see IRIS 2011-1/46 and IRIS 2011-7/42), issued recommendations to the media outlets on how to apply the recently amended Federal Statute “On the Protection of Minors against Information Detrimental to their Health and Development” (see IRIS 2011-4/34 and IRIS 2012-8/36). In particular, the Recommendations spell out rules for placement of markings for the ratings of the “informational products”, related to the age of their consumers in audiovisual and online media. For TV programmes the sign indicating...

IRIS 2012-8:1/37 [RU] Advertising of Alcohol on Internet Totally Banned

On 6 July 2012 the State Duma adopted an amendment to the advertising law that although is laconic may play a critical role for online media in Russia. The amendment is to the 2006 Federal Statute “On Advertising” (see IRIS 2006-4/34). It extends the list of the media where advertising of alcohol products is banned (Art. 21 para. 2) by adding “information-telecommunication network “Internet”. Since 2011 alcohol products in the Federal Statute “On Advertising” include beer or beer products. The amendment means that any placement of alcohol advertising in any form in Runet (Russian segment of Internet)...

IRIS 2012-8:1/36 [RU] New Rules for Internet

On 11 July 2012 the State Duma (parliament) adopted in the final reading a federal statute titled О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон “О защите детей от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и развитию” и отдельные законодательные акты Российской Федерации (“On amendments to the Federal Statute “On the Protection of Minors against Information Detrimental to their Health and Development” and to other legal Acts of the Russian Federation”). It was signed into law by President Vladimir Putin on 28 July 2012. The new Statute introduces a number of changes to the regulation of Internet, not...