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IRIS 2000-9:1/26 [RO] New Advertising and Sponsorship Regulations

As from 27 July 2000, advertising, sponsorship and teleshopping in Romanian electronic media are regulated by the Consiliul National al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council). The decree, Decizia privind adoptarea normelor obligatorii pentru publicitate, teleshopping si sponsorizare in domeniul audiovizualului, published in Official Gazette no.352, stipulates, inter alia, that advertising in the audiovisual sector should not take up more than 15% of daily airtime. Commercials must not account for more than 20% of any 60-minute period (starting on the hour). Over shorter time-spans also,...

IRIS 2000-7:1/13 [RO] Glorification of Violence to Be Banned

UNESCO's national commission in Romania has asked the Romanian Parliament to enact a law prohibiting publication by the mass media of printed and electronic articles, books and CDs in which any form of violence is glorified. Ruling no.47/2000 of the Consiliul National al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council - CNA) makes provision for several restrictions on the content of broadcasting channels which are designed to protect minors and which - based on self-regulatory mechanisms - ought to prevent the electronic media from publishing anything that might have negative consequences. A recent...

IRIS 2000-6:1/28 [RO] Complaints about Defamation in the Media

On 11 May the Romanian government issued an emergency decree, laying down new provisions in relation to the enforcement under civil law of non-material damages for defamatory remarks made in the press. At the same time, large sections of Press Act no. 3/1974 were rescinded. Only the provisions on the right to correction and the right of reply remain in force. The change in the law follows reports in various newspapers claiming that several thousand cases are currently pending concerning public officials who have accused radio and the press of making defamatory comments about them. Following an...

IRIS 2000-4:1/19 [RO] Public Television Has To Cancel Short-Term Employment Contracts

By its decision on 3 April 2000 the Tribunalul Municipiului Bucuresti (The Court of Bucharest) ruled that Romanian public service television (SRTV) must change short-term employment contracts, issued to staff in 1999, back into long-term ones. When new managers took over Romanian public service television (SRTV) in 1999, this had the effect of bringing about not only a far-reaching reform and restructuring of the channel, but also a shake-up in the editorial team. A series of tests and competitions was carried out in order to select the best journalists for the channel's strategies for the next...

IRIS 2000-4:1/18 [RO] Unfair Competition Resulting from An Increase in Broadcasting Fees

At the beginning of the second quarter of the year 2000 television fees in Romania were increased to 30,000 Leu (ROL, just under 3 DEM) at a time when the yearly average salary is currently 1,750,000 ROL (around 200 DEM). Public service television in Romania has more than three and half million viewers. Under Article 43 of law n° 41/1994 on the organisation and operation of the Romanian radio and television companies of 16 June 1994 (see IRIS 1998-8: 9), public broadcasting is financed from several different sources. Alongside state subsidies consisting of television fees paid by viewers, which...