[RO] Large Fines for Pirate Copies
IRIS 2000-10:1/29
Mariana Stoican
Journalist, Bucharest
Ordonanta Nr. 124 pentru completarea cadrului juridic privind dreptul de autor si drepturilor conexe prin adoptarea de masuri pentru combaterea pirateriei in domeniile audio si video, precum si a programelor pentru calculator (Government Decree no.124 on the completion of the legal framework governing copyright and related rights through the adoption of measures to combat piracy in the audiovisual sector and piracy of computer software) was passed at the end of August 2000.
In order to stem the increasing manufacture and sale of pirate and imitation copies of music and video cassettes and computer software, mainly smuggled onto the Romanian black market, the Government has introduced a series of new measures to combat piracy. The provisions include the obligation for businesses that make, sell or hire out audiovisual products to apply to the Romanian Copyright Office for a specific mark showing the number of manufactured copies. This mark must be stamped on every audiovisual product intended for sale or hire. Depending on the offence, financial penalties ranging from ROL 20 million to ROL 100 million (Euro 949,487 to Euro 4,747,436) can be imposed on anyone who breaches the provisions of the Government Decree.
- Ordonanta Nr. 124 pentru completarea cadrului juridic privind dreptul de autor si drepturilor conexe prin adoptarea de masuri pentru combaterea pirateriei in domeniile audio si video, precum si a programelor pentru calculator 31.8.2000
- Government Decree no.124 of 31 August 2000 on the completion of the legal framework governing copyright and related rights through the adoption of measures to combat piracy in the audiovisual sector and piracy of computer software
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.