
[RO] New Advertising and Sponsorship Regulations

IRIS 2000-9:1/26

Mariana Stoican

Journalist, Bucharest

As from 27 July 2000, advertising, sponsorship and teleshopping in Romanian electronic media are regulated by the Consiliul National al Audiovizualului (National Audiovisual Council).

The decree, Decizia privind adoptarea normelor obligatorii pentru publicitate, teleshopping si sponsorizare in domeniul audiovizualului, published in Official Gazette no.352, stipulates, inter alia, that advertising in the audiovisual sector should not take up more than 15% of daily airtime. Commercials must not account for more than 20% of any 60-minute period (starting on the hour). Over shorter time-spans also, no more than 20% of airtime may be devoted to advertising. An exception is made for Anunturi de utilitate publica (public service announcements) and anunturi umanitare (humanitarian appeals), which are broadcast free of charge and therefore do not count as advertisements. Brand-new regulations have been introduced, banning advertising and teleshopping for cigarettes and other tobacco products. The following rules apply to advertising and teleshopping for all alcoholic drinks: any such advertisements or activities must not be aimed at minors or contain pictures of minors if they are advertising alcoholic drinks. Furthermore, alcohol consumption must not be associated with enhanced physical performance or driving. There must be no suggestion that alcoholic drinks can have any kind of therapeutic, stimulating or sedative power, nor that they can help solve personal problems. People who do not drink or who drink moderate amounts of alcohol must not be portrayed in a negative way. The fact that a drink has high alcohol content must not be presented as an advantage. Advertisements for alcoholic drinks shown on prime-time television must not show people drinking. They may not be shown at all during children's programmes or sports broadcasts.

With regard to sponsorship, the aforementioned decree mentions that a programme may only be sponsored on the following conditions:

- the sponsor's name, logo or trademark may only be broadcast at the beginning and/or the end of the programme concerned;

- during sports, cultural, light entertainment and game shows, the sponsor's name or trademark may not be shown more than once every 20 minutes;

- the sponsor must in no way influence the content, format or scheduling of the programme, nor the editorial impartiality of the broadcaster. It is forbidden to advertise the products or services of the sponsor or any third party during the sponsored programme.


  • Decizia privind adoptarea normelor obligatorii pentru publicitate, teleshopping si sponsorizare in domeniul audiovizualului, 27.07.2000
  • Decree concerning compulsory standards for advertising, teleshopping and sponsorship in the audiovisual sector, 27 July 2000

This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.