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IRIS 2009-9:1/25 [NO] Cinemas Go Digital with Levy Funds

Following pre-notification contacts between the European Surveillance Authority, the EFTA watchdog body, and the Norwegian exhibitors’ organisation Film & Kino, full digital roll-out to all 440 cinema screens in 220 locations across Norway will commence this autumn, to be completed by 2011. Implementation of the ambitious scheme follows the publication by the ESA in May of a preliminary assessment, in which it declared itself satisfied that no State aid is involved in the funding of the digitalisation programme. Norway’s exhibition structure is dominated by municipally owned and operated cinemas,...

IRIS 2009-9:1/24 [NO] Co-Production Convention Signed

On 9 July the Norwegian Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe signed the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production (ETS 147) on behalf of the Kingdom of Norway. Norway thus becomes the 40 th signatory to the Convention. The signature follows a Royal Decree of 26 June 2009 establishing the legal basis for the signing and the approval of the Convention. Norway is the last of the Scandinavian countries to sign the Convention. The decision to accede comes after a protracted process, involving film industry lobbying for accession, administrative review of the compatibility...

IRIS 2009-6:1/2 European Court of Human Rights: Case of A. v. Norway

The European Court in a recent judgment clarified the relation of the freedom of the press (Art. 10) vis à vis the right of privacy (Art. 8) and the presumption of innocence (Art. 6 para. 2) in a case of crime-reporting in the media. The applicant, A, is a Norwegian national with a criminal past. The case concerns A’s complaint about the unfavourable outcome of a defamation suit he brought against the Fœdrelandsvennen newspaper, following its publication of two articles concerning the preliminary investigation into a murder case which implicated him. A had been questioned as a possible witness...

IRIS 2009-5:1/34 Nordic Council of Ministers: Agreement with Nordic Film & TV Fund signed

The culture ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (Nordic Council of Ministers) signed a five-year agreement with the Nordic Film & TV Fund on 11 May 2009 in Reykjavik. The aim of the agreement is to strengthen the Nordic region’s competitive position in the global film and television industry. In addition to production itself, the global marketing of Nordic films and talents is to be promoted. The agreement with the Nordic Film & TV Fund will run until the end of 2014 and an annual budget of approx. DKK 70 million will be made available. The agreement involves a total of 17...

IRIS 2009-5:1/30 [NO] Government Responds to Strasbourg Ruling on Political Advertising on TV

The Norwegian ban on political advertising on TV will be upheld. This was made clear by the Norwegian Government in an announcement of 11 March 2009, where the Government also stated that it did not intend to appeal the European Court of Human Right’s (ECHR) judgment in the case of TV Vest AS and Rogaland Pensjonistparti v. Norway (see IRIS 2009-3: 2) to the Court’s Grand Chamber. Instead, the Government proposes changes to the remit of the Norsk rikskringkasting AS (Norwegian public service broadcaster - NRK) that should allow access for small political parties to the TV media. In its ruling,...