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IRIS 2001-10:1/31 [NO] Implementation of Directive on Conditional Access

By an Act of 15 June 2001, Stortinget (the Parliament) has amended § 262 of the Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov (the General Civil Penal Code) on conditional access to radio and television signals so as to include information society services. The Parliament sought to implement Directive 98/84/EC on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access. The Directive calls on individual Member States to provide legal protection for information society services provided for remuneration and on the basis of conditional access (e.g. videogramand phonogram-on-demand). The...

IRIS 2001-10:1/30 [NO] First Court Decision on Domain Names

Nordhordland herredsrett (Nordhordland County Court - a court of first instance) became the first Norwegian court to rule on a domain name dispute on 20 August 2001. The plaintiff was Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited (London), involved in distributing in Europe products manufactured by Kabushikj Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment (Tokyo). The defendant was Stefan Hilt and his company, Multimedia Import Norge, involved in importing PlayStation computers and software directly from Japan and selling them on the Internet to consumers in Norway using the domain name "". The...

IRIS 1999-8:1/21 Nordic Council of Ministers: Nordic Countries Apply Similar Rules to Broadcasting Advertising

The Nordic countries have enacted legal rules and other regulatory texts concerning advertising in broadcasting which are broadly similar. All five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) have also largely implemented the recommendations on "Joint rules for television advertising", adopted by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1991, according to a recent report from the Nordic Council of Ministers. All Nordic countries subscribe to the principle that advertising must be clearly identifiable as such. They have all enacted legislation making ethical demands on advertisers,...

IRIS 1999-7:1/1 [NO] Green Paper Envisages One Common Law for Broadcasting and IT

The Green Paper on Konvergens Sammensmelting av tele-, data- og mediesektorene ("Convergence: Fusion of the Telecom, Data and Broadcasting Sectors") was presented to the Ministries of Communications and Culture on 18 June 1999. In the short term the Green Paper advocates amending the current Law on Telecommunications ( Lov om telekommunikasjon, of 23 June 1995, no. 39 ) to regulate distribution, while the Broadcasting Law ( Lov om kringkasting of 4 December 1992, no 127) should be amended to some extent to regulate content. In the longer term the Green Paper argues the need to collect all regulation...

IRIS 1999-6:1/2 European Court of Human Rights: Two Recent Judgements on the Freedom of Expression and Information

1. Bladet Tromso and Stensaas v. Norway: defamatory allegations, the publication of a secret document and article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights In 1992, the newspaper company Bladet Tromso and its editor, Pal Stensaas, were convicted by a Norway District Court for defamation. The newspaper had published several articles on seal hunting as well as an official - but secret - report that referred to a series of violations of the seal-hunting regulations (the Lindberg report). The article and the report more specifically made allegations against five crew members...