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IRIS 1997-9:1/18 [NL] Digital Audio Broadcasting

In a letter to the Dutch Parliament, the Minister of Transport and Communications announced a Government policy on Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB). The public, being used to the high sound-quality of compact disc, now also demands better quality of broadcasting. To solve some of the problems of FM-broadcasting, the Council of the European Union started a programme called 'Eureka 147; Digital Audio Broadcasting' in 1984. This resulted in a successful demonstration of the DAB-system in 1984. The system was standardised (European Telecommunications Standard 300401) in recent years and by now it...

IRIS 1997-9:1/15 [NL] Definition of “Public Broadcasting” in Media Act

For the first time, the Dutch Media Act will define the notion of "public broadcasting". Although the Act primarily regulates the public broadcasting sector, it never contained a definition. A special committee - the Ververs committee - was asked last year to further look into the nature and mission of the sector. But even the recently adopted proposal to reorganise and strengthen the public broadcasting system (that still has to pass the Senate)partly as a result of the committees report - didn't clarify the term, as is the case with most regulatory frameworks for broadcasting in Europe. Strangely...

IRIS 1997-7:1/28 [NL] New Measures to Stimulate the Film Industry

Three Ministries have announced a joint programme to stimulate the film industry. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the ministry responsible for culture have chosen to adopt an integral approach to attract new investments and risk capital. In practice, rich private investors will be stimulated to participate in the financing of films. They will receive special tax advantages in order to increase the return on investments and to lower the risks. The measures aim at creating a viable competitive film industry where direct governmental support is only available in the start-up...

IRIS 1997-6:1/8 [NL] Supreme Court Defines Rights to Personal Privacy by non-commissioned Portraits

On 2 May 1997, the Supreme Court of The Netherlands (Hoge Raad) decided that the publication for advertising purposes of a photograph of a dancer, taken during his performance at a gay event, can amount to a breach of his right to personal privacy. The Supreme Court based its decision on Articles 21, 30 and 35 of the Dutch Copyright Act (Auteurswet), which stipulate that, in cases of non-commissioned portraits, the portrayed person retains a reasonable interest to oppose the use of his picture for commercial and advertising purposes. The use of a picture for advertising purposes necessarily involves...

IRIS 1997-5:1/16 [NL] Full Privatisation of NOB

The former production company of the public broadcasting sector in the Netherlands (NOB, Nederlands Omroepproduktiebedrijf NV) will become a fully privatised company. Originally the NOB was an integrated part of the Dutch public broadcasting system, but it became independent when the Media Act entered into force in 1987. However, the Dutch Government became the sole shareholder, anticipating a full privatisation. To sell the Government's share, requires amendment of the Media Act. A proposal to do so, was sent to Parliament recently. The Government will look into every possibility to dispose of...