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IRIS 2017-6:1/25 [NL] Court dismisses complaint against public broadcaster NOS for not including political party in election debates

On 28 February 2017, the District Court of Amsterdam dismissed a complaint by the newly-founded political party Forum voor Democratie (Forum for Democracy - FvD) against the public broadcaster NOS for not being invited to participate in the election debates that NOS organised and broadcast. The Court held that NOS acted in accordance with the Mediawet (Dutch Media Act), that it did not abuse its journalistic freedom, and had not unjustly restricted FvD’s right to political expression nor acted unlawfully in any other way. NOS organised a radio and television election debate that took place on 24...

IRIS 2017-6:1/3 Court of Justice of the European Union: Judgment on sale of multimedia players enabling streaming of illegal content

On 26 April 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its judgment in Stichting Brein v. Wullems, concerning the sale of multimedia players which enable easy access to illegal audiovisual content on the Internet. The case arose in 2014, when Stichting Brein, the Dutch foundation for copyright holders, brought a court action against Mr. Jack Wullems to prevent him from selling certain media players, including on his own website, The media players, when connected to the Internet and a television, are able to stream audiovisual material from the Internet....

IRIS 2017-4:1/30 [NL] Court partially grants request against Google to remove search results concerning an individual with a criminal conviction

On 24 January 2017, Overijssel District Court partially granted an applicant’s request to order Google Inc. to remove four hyperlinks from its search engine results when the applicant’s name was entered in Google Search. The search results concerned the applicant, who was convicted of child abuse and given a prison sentence of 12 months and a probationary period of 6 months. The applicant’s request concerned four hyperlinks which were shown when the applicant’s name was entered in Google Search: one of the hyperlinks led to a Facebook page containing the applicant’s personal information; two other...

IRIS 2017-4:1/29 [NL] Court refuses request to order Google to remove search results concerning an individual investigated for fraud

On 12 January 2017, The Hague District Court refused an applicant’s request to order Google Inc. to remove ten hyperlinks from its search engine results. The search results concerned the applicant, a real-estate entrepreneur against whom a criminal investigation had been conducted in 2005 for mortgage fraud. Of the ten search results which were allegedly shown when the applicant’s name was entered in Google Search, two had already been removed by Google. A further five search results had not been obtained by entering the applicant’s name; therefore the Court only considered the three remaining...

IRIS 2017-4:1/28 [NL] Dutch Supreme Court applies Google Spain and overturns lower court judgments

On 24 February 2017, the Dutch Supreme Court handed down its first application of the EU Court of Justice’s Google Spain judgment (see IRIS 2014-6:1/3). The Supreme Court overturned lower judgments, holding that rights based on Articles 7 (private life) and 8 (personal data) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in principle outweigh not only the economic rights of search engines, but also the “justified interests” of internet users to access search results. The judgment follows earlier proceedings in lower courts (see IRIS 2014-10/25 and IRIS 2015-5/25), and concerns the following...