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IRIS 1998-6:1/19 [GB-IT] The United Kingdom and Italy Sign Film Co-production Agreement

A replacement for the September 1967 film co-production agreement was signed on 5 May, although it does not come into effect until after an exchange of notifications between the two countries. This will take place in around three to four months, after the necessary legislative processes have taken place. Currently, there are seven such agreements between the United Kingdom and Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Norway and New Zealand; the United Kingdom has also signed the Convention on Cinematographic Co-production. Amongst the principal differences from the earlier agreement are that (a) third...

IRIS 1998-6:1/12 [IT] Law on Commercial Breaks in Television Programmes

The Italian Parliament has approved a law (hereafter called "the law") which, on the one hand, regulates the ways in which television programmes may be interrupted by commercial breaks and, on the other hand, transposes the provisions of the "Television without Frontiers" Directive (as amended by Directive 97/36/EC) which requires that national broadcasting in each EC Member State must contain a certain proportion of European production. The law also postpones the deadlines for the adoption of the national frequency plans and for the awards of new concessions for terrestrial television broadcasting....

IRIS 1998-6:1/10 [IT] Videotape Piracy - Recent Case-law Confirms Criminal Sanctions Apply despite the Opposite View Expressed by the Supreme Court

In a judgement of 5 February 1998, the Milan Court of Appeal (Corte di Appello) held that the sale or rental of videotapes not bearing the seal of SIAE (Italian Collecting Society for Authors and Publishers - Società Italiana Autori ed Editori) is punishable under article 171 third comma of the Italian Copyright law with imprisonment for between 3 months and 3 years and a fine from 500,000 up to 6 million Italian Liras. This judgement clearly differs from the interpretation of the Criminal Section by the Italian Supreme Court (Corte Suprema di Cassazione) in two judgements (of 12 July and of 16...

IRIS 1998-5:1/19 [IT] Ban on Distribution of Film Lifted - New Government Bill to Abrogate Censorship

On 13 March 1998, following an appeal forwarded by the directors, the decision of the Governative Commission concerning the movie " Totò che visse duo volte" (see IRIS 1998-3: 7) was revised by the Appeal Commission. The distribution ban has been lifted, thus the film is currently shown in cinemas, provided that access is not permitted to children up to 18 years of age. According to Italian law, this limitation excludes that the movie can in the future be broadcast on television. On the same day the Government presented a Bill to Parliament. It is the Government's intention to abrogate the provisions...

IRIS 1998-3:1/29 [IT] Agreement on a Digital Platform

On 4 November 1997 an important understanding was signed by Italy's national broadcasters Canal Plus, mediaset, Cecchi Gori Group and RAI, of the one part and the now privatized main telecom operator Telecom Italia, of the other part. Object of the Memorandum is the creation of a single digital platform for the distribution of TV programmes via cable and satellite. The text of the Memorandum requires the platform to be opened to all the potential content providers, which in turn will provide programmes in their final version. The service provider, a new company created by all of the above mentioned...