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IRIS 2001-4:1/35 [IT] New Provisions on Publishing

On 7 March 2001, the Italian Parliament approved Act no. 62 on Publishing (Nuove norme sull'editoria e sui prodotti editoriali e modifiche alla legge 5 agosto 1981, n. 416). After long discussions on the Government's draft law (see IRIS 2000-7: 13) by the Camera dei Deputati (Chamber of Deputies) on 7 February 2001 and by the Senato della Repubblica (Senate), the law was eventually adopted on 21 February. It updates the twenty-year-old Publishing Act of 1981 (Disciplina delle imprese editrici e provvidneze per l'editoria, Legge of 5 August 1981, no. 416, in Gazzetta Ufficiale of 6 August 1981,...

IRIS 2001-4:1/21 [IT] Switch-Off for Analog Transmissions Fixed for 2006

On 20 March 2001, the Italian Parliament converted decreto-legge (decree-law) no. 5/2001, which contains urgent provisions on local radio and television broadcasting, into Act no. 66/2001 (Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 23 gennaio 2001, n. 5, recante disposizioni urgenti per il differimento di termini in materia di trasmissioni radiotelevisive analogiche e digitali, nonché per il risanamento di impianti radiotelevisivi, Legge of 20 March 2001, no. 66). In addition to the provisions already laid down by the decree-law (see IRIS 2001-2: 9), Act no. 66/2001 introduces a...

IRIS 2001-3:1/11 [IT] European Community Act 2000 Contains Provisions Relevant to the Television Sector

Every year, the Italian Parliament adopts an act called Legge comunitaria (European Community Act) in order to comply with the obligations deriving from its membership of the European Communities. The main aim of this act is to ensure the implementation of EC directives in due time to avoid infringement procedures for lack of implementation. According to the procedure laid down by the Norme generali sulla partecipazione dell'Italia al processo normativo comunitario e sulle procedure di esecuzione degli obblighi comunitari (Rules on the implementation of European Community legislation, Act of 9...

IRIS 2001-2:1/21 [IT] New Deadlines for Television and Radio Digital Frequency Plans

On 23 January 2001, the Italian Government approved decreto-legge (decree-law) no. 5/2001 containing urgent provisions on local radio and television broadcasting (Gazz. Uff. no. 2001/19). The decree postpones and establishes several deadlines concerning analogue and digital television and radio broadcasting. According to Article 77 of the Italian Constitution, a decree-law is an act having the same force of law as an ordinary statute of the Parliament. The Government may only issue a decree-law in exceptional cases, and it must be converted into a parliamentary statute within sixty days of its...

IRIS 2001-1:1/31 [IT] Implementation of the Conditional Access Directive

On 15 December 2000, the Conditional Access Decree (Attuazione della direttiva 98/84/CE sulla tutela dei servizi ad accesso condizionato e dei servizi di accesso condizionato, Decreto legislativo of 15 November 2000) was published in the Italian Official Journal and entered into force. In this way Italy has transposed Directive 98/84/EC on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of, conditional access. Article 1 contains definitions of: services based on conditional access (television or radio broadcasting services or Information Society services provided for remuneration and...