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IRIS 2003-3:1/23 [IT] Communications Act Declared Partly Unconstitutional

On 20 November 2002, the Corte costituzionale (Constitutional Court) decided in a preliminary ruling on questions raised on 31 January 2001 by the Tribunale amministrativo regionale del Lazio (Regional Administrative Tribunal of Lazio) concerning article 3 para. 7, of law no. 249/1997 adopting the Communications Act. This provision states that, considering the consistent and effective development in the number of viewers of cable and satellite television, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority) has to establish the date, on which channels that are only...

IRIS 2002-10:1/19 [IT] Government Presents Draft Law on Broadcasting

On 25 September, the Ministero delle comunicazioni (Minister for Communications) presented a draft law laying down new provisions for the broadcasting sector to the Camera dei deputati (Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament). The discussion began on 17 October in the Parliamentary Commissions for Transportation and Culture. Once the discussion has ended and the draft has been approved, the amended text will have to be passed by the Senato della Repubblica (Senate of the Italian Parliament). The "shuttle" between the two Chambers will have to continue until a common agreement has been reached....

IRIS 2002-9:1/18 [IT] Code of Conduct on Teleshopping

On 14 May 2002, the Commissione per il riassetto del sistema radiotelevisivo (Commission for the reform of the radio and television broadcasting sector), located at the Ministero delle comunicazioni (Ministry of Communications), published a Code of Conduct on Teleshopping drafted by broadcasters and their associations, together with representatives and experts from the Ministry, based on the premise that teleshopping relating to astrological services, gambling and games requires that there should be specific protection for consumers, in order to avoid the exploitation of superstition or fear as...

IRIS 2002-8:1/29 [IT] Regulation on the Publication of Public Opinion Poll Results

On 25 July 2002, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications AuthorityAGCOM) adopted a Regolamento in materia di pubblicazione e diffusione dei sondaggi sui mezzi di comunicazione di massa (regulation on the publication and broadcasting of public opinion poll results, Deliberation n. 153/02/CSP). A public consultation on this topic was launched on 22 January 2002 (Consultazione pubblica in materia di pubblicazione e diffusione dei sondaggi sui mezzi di comunicazione di massa, Deliberation n. 16/02/CSP). Article 1 of the Regulation provides that opinion polls have to...

IRIS 2002-8:1/16 [IT] Project on Dominant Positions in the Television Sector

On 3 July 2002, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - AGCOM) started a project with the aim of analysing the distribution of financial resources in the Italian broadcasting sector during the period 1998-2000 (Analisi della distribuzione delle risorse economiche del settore televisivo nel triennio 1998-2000, Deliberation n. 212/02/CONS, in Gazzetta Ufficiale of 10 August 2002, n. 187). The analysis will consider a survey based on a decision adopted by AGCOM on 13 June 2000 concerning the verification of actual and possible future developments in the...