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IRIS 2003-4:1/27 [AL-IT] Cinematographic Co-production between Albania and Italy

The Albanian Parliament has ratified the Agreement of cinematographic co-production between the Government of the Republic of Albania and the Italian Government, being the first agreement the Albanian Government signed in this field. According to the Agreement, the financial contribution of both countries for state-aided films shall be approximately at a rate of 20% - 80%. Thereby all categories of cinematographic production, including fiction, cartoons and documentary films, are suitable for financing. The competent state authorities from both countries will have to approve the proposed projects...

IRIS 2003-4:1/21 [IT] New Self-Regulatory Code of Conduct on Television and Minors

On 29 November 2002, Italian public and private broadcasters signed a self-regulatory Code of Conduct and presented it to the Ministry for Communications in order to provide adequate protection for under-age viewers and to actively limit minors' exposure to harmful content on television. The Code, called Codice di autoregolamentazione TV e Minori' (Self- regulatory code of conduct on television and minors) is a provisional instrument, which will be applied until extensive legislation on this matter is adopted. The main objective of the Code is to protect minors from manipulative advertising and...

IRIS 2003-4:1/20 [IT] DVB-T National Frequency Plan Adopted

On 29 January 2003 the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - AGCOM) adopted the frequency plan for digital terrestrial television broadcasting pursuant to article 1 para 1, of law no. 66/2001 of 20 March 2001 (see IRIS 2001-4: 9). Broadcasters licensed according to the regulation adopted by the AGCOM on 15 November 2001 (decision no. 435/01/CONS, see IRIS 2002-1: 9) will transmit according to this Plan from 2006. Until then, experimental transmissions will be allowed. The Plan reflects the structure of the Italian regional territory (Regioni) and envisages...

IRIS 2003-4:1/6 Common Declaration by European Film Institutes

The national film institutes of the 15 Member States of the European Union have made a common declaration on the importance of State aid for European films. This is the first time the film institutes have made a common statement. The national film institutes are publicly funded and were founded to support national and European film culture. In this common declaration the institutes express their concerns regarding the necessity for State aid for European films. The institutes are worried that the audio-visual sector in Europe will be left solely to the chances of free market forces. In the declaration,...

IRIS 2003-3:1/30 [IT] Criminal Prosecution Reintroduced for Counterfeiting of Satellite Television Access Cards

On 7 February 2003, the Italian Parliament modified certain provisions of Decreto Legge no. 373/2000 (Decree Law no. 373 of 15 November 2000, implementing European Union Directive 98/84 on conditional access, see IRIS 2001-1: 14) which, since it entered into force in 2000, had decriminalised a whole set of actions formerly deemed to constitute an illicit act under article 171octies of the Italian Copyright Act. The new amendment expressly defines the counterfeiting of satellite cards as an illicit act, punishable by imprisonment. Modified satellite television access cards illegally allow users...