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IRIS 2008-3:1/5 Court of Justice of the European Communities: Case of Centro Europa 7

On 28 July 1999, Centro Europa 7 was granted rights by the competent Italian authorities for terrestrial television broadcasting at the national level, authorising the installation and use of a television network using analogue technology. The national allocation plan for radio frequencies adopted on 30 October 1998 would see to the allocation of frequencies for such broadcasting activities. However, the plan was never adopted. Instead a series of national laws succeeded each other, which prevented Centro Europa 7 from effectively making use of its rights to the benefit of incumbent operators....

IRIS 2007-8:1/46 [IT/TR] Agreement on Film Co-productions between Italy and Turkey

On 30 March 2006, the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Turkey signed a film co-production agreement. The aim of the agreement is to improve the basic conditions for film co-productions between the two countries in the film, television, video and new media fields. The agreement is based on the idea that co-productions benefit the partners from both the technical and the artistic point of view. Financially, its purpose is to help both film producers and distributors. The parties are convinced it will help to foster the ongoing development of their cultural relations. It provides for a number...

IRIS 2007-8:1/2 European Commission: Italian Subsidies for Digital Equipment Endorsed

The support measure contained in the Italian Law 296/2006 of 27 December 2006, which grants an income tax deduction to consumers who purchase television sets with integrated tuner and digital decoders during 2007, has been found to be compatible with EC Treaty state aid rules. The income tax reduction amounts to 20% of the price paid for the equipment (up to a maximum deduction of EUR 200 per decoder) and represents a total budget measure of EUR 40 million. Though the measure was found to give an indirect advantage to broadcasters using digital technologies (who benefit from state-subsidised means...

IRIS 2007-7:1/24 [IT] “Russian-Doll Programmes” Outlawed by the Italian Communications Authority

At the end of 2006, the Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) adopted two decisions (no.169/06/CSP and no.170/06/CSP) imposing fines on two Italian commercial television broadcasters, Retequattro and Italia 1, which were found to have acted in breach of the rules governing the number of advertising breaks allowed in the course of audiovisual works. To this effect, Article 37(4) of the Italian Broadcasting Code (Legislative Decree, 31 July 2005, no. 177) transposes Article 11(3) of the Television Without Frontiers Directive insofar as it stipulates that audiovisual works such as feature films...

IRIS 2007-4:1/26 [IT] New Decree to Combat Child Pornography on the Web

The Italian Ministry for Communications has recently signed a new decree aimed at combating child pornography on the internet by obliging Internet Service Providers to block sites displaying illicit content within 6 hours of notification by the competent organ, the Centro Nazionale per il contrasto della pedopornografia sulla rete Internet (the National Centre for combating child pornography on the internet). This organ was created by a previous act (2006), and operates within the Italian Postal and Communications Police, a specialised branch of the Italian Police force. The Centre is invested...