[IT] Government Approves the Final Transition to Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting
IRIS 2008-10:1/22
Valentina Moscon
Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Trento Law and Technology Research Group, University of Trento
The Italian Parliament converted the decreto-legge (draft law) n. 59/2008 into Act 101/2008, embodying urgent provisions for the fulfillment of European Community obligations.
Recently, on 10 September 2008, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, according to the provisions of article 8 novies, paragraph V of the mentioned draft law n. 59/2008, signed a Ministerial Act, which contains the timetable for analogue switch-off. In fact, the measure – in order to pursue complete digitisation by 31 December 2012, as required by Italian Law n. 222/2007 – sets a plan for a gradual transition to digital broadcasting. The Autorità per la Garanzia nelle Comunicazioni (Italian communications authority - AGCOM) also approved the project unanimously.
The process will take place across 16 regions between 2009 and 2012. Sixteen technical areas have been identified following a thorough technical analysis conducted by the Comitato Nazionale Italia Digitale (National Italian Digital Committee). In order to ensure an efficient use of the frequency resources and the continuity of receiving programs, the technical areas do not always coincide with administrative regions.
The provision establishes a gradual and progressive transition to DTT starting from the second half of 2009 until the second semester of 2012. Nevertheless, the switchover pilots which are currently underway in Sardinia and the Aoste Valley will be completed in early 2009, as originally planned. Four regions will switch-off analogue services in 2009 including Lazio, Campania, Trentino Alto-Adige and Piemonte. The process will end in the regions of Sicily and Calabria. It is expected that by 2010 70% of the population will have completed digital switchover.
Finally, the Italian ministry has stressed that the process has social repercussions and has therefore suggested providing contributions to aid disadvantaged people.
- Decreto Ministeriale 10 settembre 2008, contentente il calendario della transizione definitiva alla trasmissione digitale terrestre
- Ministerial Decree of 10 September 2008
- Legge 22 Novembre 2007, numero 222: Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 1° ottobre 2007, n. 159, recante interventi urgenti in materia economico-finanziaria, per lo sviluppo e l'equita' sociale"
- Act of 22 November 2007 number 222 article 1, paragraphs 325 - 343
- Comunicato Stampa del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico pubblicato il 10 Settembre 2008: “TV digitale - Romani: per il 70% italiani switch off anticipato al 2010”
- Press Release of Ministry of Economic Developement of 10 September 2008
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.