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IRIS 2011-9:1/26 [IT] AGCOM Adopts a New Regulation on the Promotion of European Works by On-Demand Audiovisual Media Services

On 6 April 2011, the Italian Communications Authority (Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni - AGCOM) adopted Regulation no. 188/11/CONS on the promotion of European works by on-demand audiovisual media services (hereinafter “the Regulation”). The Regulation establishes the duties of video on-demand services related to the promotion of European audiovisual works, according to Article 44, paragraph 7 of the Audiovisual Media Services and Radio Code, adopted by Legislative Decree no. 44/2010. The Regulation has been adopted through co-regulatory procedures. For the development of the new rules,...

IRIS 2011-9:1/25 [IT] AGCOM Regulation on Televoting in TV Shows

On 3 February 2011 AGCOM (the Italian communications authority) adopted a regulation concerning transparency and effectiveness in televoting in TV shows, after a public consultation launched in December 2010. The regulation, whose scope is limited to national broadcasters, aims to provide users with the necessary quality and transparency in televoting, which, in most cases, is a service provided in return for payment. AGCOM regulation lays down a few basic rules: users have to be transparently made aware of televoting with complete information on its function; all votes must be assured of equal...

IRIS 2011-8:1/35 [IT] Agcom Sets Up a Monitoring Observatory on Product Placement

On 20 January 2011 the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - Agcom) adopted deliberation no. 19/11/CSP setting up a standing monitoring Observatory on product placement. On account of the complexity of the subject, the Observatory is aimed at dealing with the practical enforcement of the primary rules adopted in 2010 in implementation into Italian legislation of Article 11 of the AVMS Directive 2010/13/EU (see IRIS 2008-1/3). Article 15 of legislative decree no. 44/2010 (see IRIS 2010-2/25) which introduced a new Article 40-bis into the Italian Broadcasting...

IRIS 2011-8:1/34 [IT] New Italian Draft Regulation on Online Copyright

On 6 July 2011, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - Agcom) approved (with seven votes in favour, one vote against and one abstention) a draft regulation of online copyright, Delibera 668/2010 (Decision 668/2010). The regulation establishes that for the removal of content protected by copyright, Agcom’s procedure is an alternative procedure, not substitutive in respect of the judicial procedure, intended to cease from the moment one of the parties appeals to the courts. The publication of the draft in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Gazette) will...

IRIS 2011-8:1/33 [IT] Agcom Adopts a Regulation on Parental Control

On 22 July 2011, the Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni (Italian Communications Authority - Agcom) adopted Regulation no. 220/11/CSP on parental control (hereinafter “the Regulation”). The Regulation establishes technical measures aimed at preventing minors from viewing films that have been denied clearance for their projection or representation in public or that have been rated as unsuitable for minors under eighteen years and adult content, in accordance with Article 34, paragraphs 5 and 11, of the Audiovisual Media Services and Radio Code, adopted with legislative decree no. 44/2010....