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IRIS 2006-2:1/3 Committee of Ministers: Media-specific Provisions in New Resolutions on Minorities

A number of provisions concerning the (audiovisual) media can be found in the five country-specific Resolutions adopted to date by the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers (CM) in the context of the Second Monitoring Cycle of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (FCNM). In respect of Croatia, the CM recommends that the State authorities inter alia “encourage media engagement in the promotion of inter-cultural dialogue”. In respect of Denmark, the CM identifies as an issue of concern a “seam of intolerance within Danish society […] inter alia, in the political...

IRIS 2005-9:1/22 [HR] Tender on Means of the Electronic Media Diversity Fund

The Council for Electronic Media published in May 2005 the first tender for allocation of means from the Electronic Media Diversity and Pluralism Incentive Fund (see IRIS 2005-5: 15). The finances of the Fund shall be used as incentives for the production and broadcasting of electronic media programme content both at local and regional levels. Content of special public interest shall be encouraged. All television stations and 93 radio stations applied to tender. The number of 110 applications represented significant material. A large number of radio and television broadcasters that applied to tender...

IRIS 2005-8:1/24 [HR] HRT Sued by RTL

The private broadcaster RTL Croatia has filed a claim against HRT public television (HTV) due to a breach of the Law on Croatian Radio Television. RTL claims that Croatian Radio Television had breached regulations by exceeding the permitted time for advertising 593 times in the period from 1 January 2005 until 31 June 2005. They also state that HTV had broadcast from April until June 2005 12.968 seconds of commercials and made a profit of HRK 13,3 million. RTL has filed a claim at the Commercial court in Zagreb in which they demand compensation. The Law on Croatian Radio Television stipulates in...

IRIS 2005-7:1/2 European Commission against Racism and Intolerance: Media Provisions in New Country Reports on Racism

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) recently made public five new reports as part of the third cycle of its monitoring process of the laws, policies and practices to combat racism in the Member States of the Council of Europe. Four of the country reports (Albania, Croatia, Poland and the United Kingdom) contain specific recommendations concerning the media. Following a precedent in some of its previous country reports (see IRIS 2003-5: 3), ECRI pronounces itself in favour of the adoption in Albania of self-regulatory codes “to combat reporting that fuels racism, discrimination...

IRIS 2005-6:1/28 [HR] Dispute about Animated Serial Zlikavci

At the end of 2004 the Croatian Television (HTV) started broadcasting the animated serial Zlikavci (Evil Guys) - a satiric review of daily events in Croatia and the rest of the world. Immediately after the beginning of broadcasting, Catholic youth associations demanded that HTV should stop the programme due to insult to religious beliefs. Thereupon the Program Council of HRT (Croatian Radio and Television) discussed the issue. The main task of the Council is to supervise implementation of program principles and obligations stipulated by the law. In case of breaches the Council has to inform in...