
[HR] Tender on Means of the Electronic Media Diversity Fund

IRIS 2005-9:1/22

Nives Zvonarić

Ministry of Culture, Zagreb, Croatia

The Council for Electronic Media published in May 2005 the first tender for allocation of means from the Electronic Media Diversity and Pluralism Incentive Fund (see IRIS 2005-5: 15). The finances of the Fund shall be used as incentives for the production and broadcasting of electronic media programme content both at local and regional levels. Content of special public interest shall be encouraged.

All television stations and 93 radio stations applied to tender. The number of 110 applications represented significant material.

A large number of radio and television broadcasters that applied to tender were already broadcasting existing program output and there were only a few new projects.

After a serious and demanding procedure of analysis, comparing and grading of applications, the Council for Electronic Media agreed on an approach and a methodology for grading the applications and projects, placing them in several grade groups (classes) - 3 groups for television and 6 groups for radio, pursuant to the following list of points and amounts:


I group: Publishers that achieve more than 75 points - 253.870,00 HRK

II group: Publishers that achieve 60 to 75 points - 103.870,00 HRK

III group: Publishers that achieve 40 to 60 points - 53.870,00 HRK

IV group: Publishers that achieve 25 to 40 points - 33.870,00 HRK

V group: Publishers that achieve 15 to 25 points - 18.870,00 HRK

VI group: Publishers that achieve 0 to 15 points - 8.870,00 HRK


I group: Publishers that achieve more than 75 points - 897.058,00 HRK

II group: Publishers that achieve 60 to 75 points - 547.058,00 HRK

III group: Publishers that achieve 40 to 60 points - 247.058,00 HRK

The total amount of the allocated means is 17.799.896,00 HRK.


This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory.