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IRIS 2016-1:1/11 [FR] Audiovisual adaptation of a political book constitutes free-riding

A journalist who wrote a book about a famous political adviser to the Vth Republic felt that a documentary devoted to “the secrets of the Elysée’s gurus” broadcast on a public-service television channel two years after the book’s publication constituted an infringing adaptation of his work. He therefore had the producer and the channel summoned to face charges of infringement. When the Regional Court in Paris concurred, the producer and the television channel appealed against the judgment. In its decision delivered on 17 November 2015, the Paris Court of Appeal overturned the original judgment....

IRIS 2016-1:1/10 [FR] Classification licence for ‘La Vie d’Adèle’ withdrawn

After the films “Love”, “Saw 3D” and “Nymphomaniac”, it is the turn of “La Vie d’Adèle” (English title: “Blue is the Warmest Colour”), which was awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014, to have its classification licence issued by the Minister for Culture withdrawn. In the present case, an association and a number of parents of under-18-year-olds had applied to the Administrative Court for the decision by the Minister for Culture granting a classification licence to the film to be changed to include a ban on the film being shown to anyone under 12 years’ old and for it to carry...

IRIS 2016-1:1/9 [FR] Production of the opera ‘Les Dialogues des Carmélites’ banned on television

On 13 October 2015 the Paris Court of Appeal delivered a judgment which will prevent opera lovers seeing a screen version of ‘Les Dialogues des Carmélites’ produced by Russian artiste Dimitri Tcherniakov, as staged in 2010 and 2011 at the Munich opera house and recorded on DVD and Blu-ray. The judgment raises the question of the limits to freedom of adaptation and creation. The beneficiaries of the rights of Francis Poulenc, who composed the music, and Georges Bernanos, who wrote the libretto, felt that this production completely transformed and distorted the end of the work, and therefore applied...

IRIS 2016-1:1/3 European Court of Human Rights: Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France

The Grand Chamber's judgment in Couderc and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France elaborates on the appropriate standards for privacy and media coverage on issues related to the private life of public persons (see also IRIS 2014-3/1). In 2005, the French magazine Paris Match was ordered to pay EUR 50,000 in damages and to publish a statement detailing the judgment of the Versailles Court of Appeal finding a breach of privacy, because of an article which caused damage to Albert II of Monaco. The impugned article in Paris Match contained an interview with the former lover of Albert Grimaldi, Ms...

IRIS 2015-10:1/28 [UA] Transparency of broadcasting enforced

The Ukrainian Supreme Rada (Parliament) adopted, on 3 September 2015, the Statute “On amendments to certain statutes of Ukraine as to the provision of transparency of property of the mass media and implementation of the national policy in the field of television and radio broadcasting” (Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо забезпечення прозорості власності засобів масової інформації та реалізації принципів державної політики у сфері телебачення і радіомовлення). The Statute introduces changes into the Ukrainian Statute “On TV and Radio Broadcasting” (see IRIS 2006-5/34) and “On the...